Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Well one great thing is the Doctors finally discovered what was wrong with Soda.

Now they can give the right medication and see if it works, hoping and praying it does.

13 years ago I had blood clots in both lungs and kidneys had shut down almost completely.

Doctors sent me to Turkey Creek in Knoxville and not going to lie, they called family in so I was told.

But after a I.V. of continuous Coumadin and a month worth of dialysis I came home.
Kidneys working and on blood thinners.

Now 13 years later I'm down to taking 2 81mg aspirin a day and kidneys work great.

Just trying to say, sometimes doctors can heal you if they pinpoint the problem, I'm holding out for the best for Soda.
Glad you're still here, man.

Really hoping Soda can pull through and we get some good news today.
Well one great thing is the Doctors finally discovered what was wrong with Soda.

Now they can give the right medication and see if it works, hoping and praying it does.

13 years ago I had blood clots in both lungs and kidneys had shut down almost completely.

Doctors sent me to Turkey Creek in Knoxville and not going to lie, they called family in so I was told.

But after a I.V. of continuous Coumadin and a month worth of dialysis I came home.
Kidneys working and on blood thinners.

Now 13 years later I'm down to taking 2 81mg aspirin a day and kidneys work great.

Just trying to say, sometimes doctors can heal you if they pinpoint the problem, I'm holding out for the best for Soda.
My mother in law, bad diabetic. Pain in her back. Twice sent home from Blount Memorial. Saw her PCP, who sent her to UT. Neuro thought may be a bad infection, brought in infectious disease Doc. Staph. Did more tests and found two other areas, one was excised. More tests, revealed MRSA. While they didnt call in the family. She was close, unable to speak or move. Was hospitalized for over a month.

She was fortunate as my wife was there to advocate on her behalf. Also, level of care at a teaching institution was top notch. Had she not gone to UT, she would be dead.

So many people have no one to advocate on their behalf. Always have a second opinion, and if your gut says they're wrong, you may be right.

So glad you fought through brutha🫡

Now, lets go SAS - you got this!
I think we all are hoping and wishing for good news today.
With every hour that passes and she continues to fight, that will be a win. The antibiotics take time to work, so she just has to keep fighting to live. God will help her with that, if it is His will.
And I can tell you from experience that this leads to a river of doubt
An undercurrent of fear of abandonment
Manic joy to mask what you don't want to face
Followed by a fight against depression
The lesson is that people will fail you sometimes and that your happiness cannot be dependent on that

But a man that cannot trust in and believe on his own mother

It's a very hard thing folks you'll just have to trust me on that one

But he will not place on you more than you can bear
Sometimes taking something out of your life is a blessing long term. Remember always that His ways are higher that your ways

I feel for you brother and your child, for real
That child will have the inner strength of Samson but a broken and contrite spirit some days
Been there, brother. All of my life up to her death at age 85.

Had to make really difficult decisions. Chose the path of Christ. It made ALL the difference.

It helps to accept that mothers and fathers are humans, not gods. We all mess it up at at times. Forgiveness and loving self as you do others is important. You cannot love others well if you hate yourself. Those who have been rejected or done the rejecting will understand what I mean.
Lonnie had a great series…without him it wouldn’t have come down to a mental flub.
Yes...but it still did....I don't hate Skates for it, I just wish he had done what you are taught from an early age...look to your 3rd base coach.

How many balls in that game were drilled?...just barely foul, or just to the wall with men on base?..a lot if folks don't recall that about that game, but I do. The game would have been over in 9 if just one of them had either went over or dropped in.

Back then I was just 23 and still didn't understand, but the 90s taught me a lesson over and over again...That's just baseball.
I came out smelling like a Rose as far as the material items. She got nothing, she didn’t even show up for court. What bothered me the most was walking out on my kids. My kids have not heard from her in over a year now. I could care less myself but my heart hurts for them 🤷‍♂️
Praying for you too @VOLSONLY. Thank you for being the parent your kids need. You are amazing.
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
I don’t feel giving this a like giving this a like because of the hurt involved. It was hard. I miss nothing as far as the material things go. They’re material things. My ex moved out to go live basically a block away and never tried to see my son. Looking back, it probably had more to face me. I hate that for more for my son. I prayed during all those times for GOD to help MY, because he was mine and MINE and alone to help him to find peace, forgiveness and find happiness. I wasn’t providing it and I knew GOD was the only way. He floundered around for a bit because of my above posts, but he met someone. I still remember that conversation. “Mom, I met someone that is the one and she used to work for you’. Well, I was stumped. I asked who. Apparently he hooked up with a girl that worked for me when he volunteered to help me for a big Thanksgiving meal at work. Long story short, he ended up marrying her and I couldn’t be happier. Remind me guys to tell you the story of my catering their reception and I wore my chucks.
Prayers for you too @Orangeredblooded. I am the son of a single mom as well. Glad to hear your son is doing well. One day I will get there too. 😆
LSU fans consumed over 78,000 Jello Shots at CWS last year🤦

First of all why would someone waste good Vodka by pouring it in nasty green jello or any jello matter of fact.

I don't know how much jello shots go for but just say $5 that's $390,000 in less than 2 weeks nice little profit just off LSU fans, not counting other teams fans.
LSU fans consumed over 78,000 Jello Shots at CWS last year🤦

First of all why would someone waste good Vodka by pouring it in nasty green jello or any jello matter of fact.

I don't know how much jello shots go for but just say $5 that's $390,000 in less than 2 weeks nice little profit just off LSU fans, not counting other teams fans.
Unless you’re drinking Russian vodka, there’s no such thing as good vodka lol
AP says we're safe at Tackle this cycle😂 The narrative is now Guards.


Says issue is recruiters. Staff needs to get better, maybe doesnt have great recruiters. Hubbs says gotta learn to close.😂

At this point in #itsonlyJune, seems recruiting is poopoo.

FACT: Two huge OV weekends to come. #gotta close
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I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.
When I was younger, yes. Now, for the most part, no. Though I really, really, really, really want to tell some people to just stfu already.
I would like to ask everyone in this thread.

In your line of work, whether it has been a side job, a job you had when younger, or in your current profession, have either of you ever gotten “out of character” when dealing with a rude/belligerent or an ungrateful person?

That can be in hospitality, food service, retail, business, contracting, or any job dealing with the public.

I’m sure it’ll be a mixed bag of answers, but I’m just genuinely curious.
I haven't gotten "out if character" but I'm as nice as they are to me. Former bosses or coworkers have thought it was out of character because I'm typically nice and respectful like a normal person but I'm not going to take your bull**** either.
AP says we're safe at Tackle this cycle😂 The narrative is now Guards.


Says issue is recruiters. Staff needs to get better, maybe doesnt have great recruiters. Hubbs says gotta learn to close.😂

At this point in #itsonlyJune, seems recruiting is poopoo.

FACT: Two huge OV weekends to come. #gotta close
View attachment 646166
NM, scratch that. Saying we have closed well with the one OV we had. Says we have to close better.

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And I can tell you from experience that this leads to a river of doubt
An undercurrent of fear of abandonment
Manic joy to mask what you don't want to face
Followed by a fight against depression
The lesson is that people will fail you sometimes and that your happiness cannot be dependent on that

But a man that cannot trust in and believe on his own mother

It's a very hard thing folks you'll just have to trust me on that one

But he will not place on you more than you can bear
Sometimes taking something out of your life is a blessing long term. Remember always that His ways are higher that your ways

I feel for you brother and your child, for real
That child will have the inner strength of Samson but a broken and contrite spirit some days
Yes Sir 💯
And I can tell you from experience that this leads to a river of doubt
An undercurrent of fear of abandonment
Manic joy to mask what you don't want to face
Followed by a fight against depression
The lesson is that people will fail you sometimes and that your happiness cannot be dependent on that

But a man that cannot trust in and believe on his own mother

It's a very hard thing folks you'll just have to trust me on that one

But he will not place on you more than you can bear
Sometimes taking something out of your life is a blessing long term. Remember always that His ways are higher that your ways

I feel for you brother and your child, for real
That child will have the inner strength of Samson but a broken and contrite spirit some days
well said Sto
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