Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I came out smelling like a Rose as far as the material items. She got nothing, she didn’t even show up for court. What bothered me the most was walking out on my kids. My kids have not heard from her in over a year now. I could care less myself but my heart hurts for them 🤷‍♂️
And I can tell you from experience that this leads to a river of doubt
An undercurrent of fear of abandonment
Manic joy to mask what you don't want to face
Followed by a fight against depression
The lesson is that people will fail you sometimes and that your happiness cannot be dependent on that

But a man that cannot trust in and believe on his own mother

It's a very hard thing folks you'll just have to trust me on that one

But he will not place on you more than you can bear
Sometimes taking something out of your life is a blessing long term. Remember always that His ways are higher that your ways

I feel for you brother and your child, for real
That child will have the inner strength of Samson but a broken and contrite spirit some days
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!

Heavenly Father, we ask for Your healing touch upon SAS. Grant her strength and courage during this difficult time. May Your love and comfort surround her, and may Your wisdom guide her medical caregivers. Restore her health and bring her peace. Amen.
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I'm a mailman. That's everyday 😆

Normally, I just stand there and take it, but when they start cussing, I just get back in my truck and leave. I'm afraid I might say something that will get me fired. It ain't worth it.

I had to call the police twice. One guy threatened to kill me . The other threatened to let his Rottweilers out .
Worked in hospitality business for over 30 years and customers can be really mean and rude.

I've always used the kill them with kindness method, they eat it up.

Only time I ever got disciplined was when the restaurant was filled to max with customers and guest ask to see a manager. I went over to table and asked what seemed to be the problem. Now at this point there's 230 customers in restaurant and the guest replies what's taking so long, I could feed this whole restaurant in 10 minutes.

Well I replied do you want a job. Didn't go over very well.
Skeeter was money for a while. He left out on a losing streak saying Pruitt would be coaching in 2021 tho. Really not sure if he was legit or just guessing for a long time but it was fun while it lasted. And nothing was better than going to any thread on the RF and seeing Leb go on about how we would pull a potential commit's scholarship.
I always thought Skeet might have been on staff in some capacity.
80th Anniversary of D-Day landings at Normandy. Hear's to those WWII veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice that day, and those are still with us. Truly the Greatest Generation.
I’ve watched and researched a ton on that war and
Those guys were hardasses.
I had a great grandfather that was in that war
He drove a tank
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Thank you so much for the update. Prayers abound.
Happy Thankful Thursday.

I think we find ourselves all thankful that the battle lives on in SAS. Prayers she wins that battle in the coming days.

June 6, 2024: I have given you the strength and endurance to face every challenge that comes your way, says the Lord. All you have to do is rise above fear and dread in the confidence that you can do all that is necessary. This will require a reset in your thinking. It is a time to rise above the doubt and condemnation that comes against you. The enemy of your soul will do everything possible to keep you down, but I will do everything possible to raise you up. Ephesians 6:11-13 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Well one great thing is the Doctors finally discovered what was wrong with Soda.

Now they can give the right medication and see if it works, hoping and praying it does.

13 years ago I had blood clots in both lungs and kidneys had shut down almost completely.

Doctors sent me to Turkey Creek in Knoxville and not going to lie, they called family in so I was told.

But after a I.V. of continuous Coumadin and a month worth of dialysis I came home.
Kidneys working and on blood thinners.

Now 13 years later I'm down to taking 2 81mg aspirin a day and kidneys work great.

Just trying to say, sometimes doctors can heal you if they pinpoint the problem, I'm holding out for the best for Soda.
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Thanks for the update! Prayers up! Keep fighting, @SweetasSoda!!!
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