Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Always respected his legit connections and the information he shared from them. He’d ride even mostly, but when his personal OPINION ramped up, he wasn’t shy about getting PERSONAL and touchy. Hated losing him, but don’t cotton to ultimatums either. Happy huntin, LA.
Pretty much
From what I’ve gathered, our men’s hoops team has one open scholarship left.

IF Hurley leaves UConn and IF UConn hires another P5 coach (Pearl), that would potentially put UT in a situation to add another complimentary player. I know they left one roster spot open, due to the always changing landscape.

Would have to think the chances of UConn hiring Pearl would be close to 0%. Doubt they want a guy who has NCAA troubles in his background.
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I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
That was the exchange.
Yep, that is what happened...but..he was already pissed off at some other guys about other stuff, and what's funny is I've been on his side a lot.

I ain't apologizing for that...he said anti-CKC stuff that was just as bad as the LV forum Idiot Margin drivel...but he was just quieter and sneaker about it...just like I said.
I haven't gotten "out if character" but I'm as nice as they are to me. Former bosses or coworkers have thought it was out of character because I'm typically nice and respectful like a normal person but I'm not going to take your bull**** either.

To respond to my original post:

I had my first true blow up yesterday evening. I’m an independent contractor and I deliver meals two nights a week to generate some extra money to pay for my Grizzlies season tickets. I had an older gentleman in his 60s belittle me in a condescending demeanor when I delivered his order that was 30 min late. Granted, I was the only driver and the restaurant took longer, so I had little patience. I explained to him the situation and that I thoroughly checked his order. His response was ungrateful.

I decided to just walk back to my vehicle because I’m not paid to listen to someone gripe. He said “Don’t you walk away from me. I’m not finished yet.” And I snapped and responded “You can call the company’s number. I’m independent and I’m not at liberty to hear you b*tch”. He then had this “get off my lawn” attitude and tried to use the call the police and trespassing card because I had the nerve to stand up for myself. He was just angry that someone would stand up to his bullying. And his argument was invalid because he invited me to his porch by requesting food to be delivered. Nothing violent ever escalated. Just words traded.

Overall, I could tell by the way he spoke to me that he likely treats others the same way, when out in public. Some people need to be put in their place, and he was one of them.
Wasn’t a fan, still not sold, but at least she’s recruited decently so far.

Only thing that matters is wins and losses though. Guess we will see.
I bet you were not a fan and were not sold on Heupel either...which has been my position all along. The first thing that jumped out at me when researching her resume to this point is how similiar her overall profile is to Heupels.

We were NEVER going after a big established name.
No one and I mean no one will ever usurp hatvol from the king of all harrasery.
Lol...that's a blast from the past indeed...the meanest smartest poster I have ever seen on VN..but..supposedly he did a lot if good things for people behind the scenes in his real life

RIP Hatvol...if you guys didn't know, he was a lawyer and passed away a long time ago now.
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