Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Expensive Vodka is such a dumb concept. It is by definition supposed to be a clean neutral spirit. So you are either paying extra for even less taste (filtering), paying for taste (against the definition), or more often than not paying for marketing.

Tito is criminally bad at the later, but God bless any good business man. Especially a US one.

Dumbest of all is when people take expensive highly filtered vodka and dump chemical bomb red bull into it. Hahahaha

Buy Smirnoff and get your buzz.
I like Stoly
From what I’ve gathered, our men’s hoops team has one open scholarship left.

IF Hurley leaves UConn and IF UConn hires another P5 coach (Pearl), that would potentially put UT in a situation to add another complimentary player. I know they left one roster spot open, due to the always changing landscape.
Connecticut isn't going to hire a con artist like Pearl.🤦
You must not have been around for Bruin then lol
Gosh, not only contrarian but such a long winded contrarian. That was the first time I realized why Stephen a Smith is so popular. There's something in our culture where people can't help but engaging with obnoxious contrarians. Ignoring them would make them go away, but we as a society just can't do it. We just keep feeding them.
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