Recruiting Football Talk VII

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It wasn' blew and still blows my mind that he was acting like such a big baby over it..🤷‍♂️..I don't know why he just didn't ignore me or something.

I genuinely like the guy and I wish he would show back up, but I say meaner stuff to my brothers when we get in heated arguments...and I love them.
Hell, you've said meaner stuff to me and I have only put you on ignore twice now.
80 years ago today my grandfather was a new father, me Dad having been born the day before in Chattanooga Tennessee..June 5th 1944...he didn't know that he was a new Dad because he was in England with the Corps of Engineers waiting to go ashore as soon as a beachhead was established. He went ashore sometime on the 7th and he didn't find out about my Dads birth for several weeks thanks to all the obvious chaos of war going on.
This is truly a cool story, brah.
Have you tried Reyka? From Iceland. Same price range as Belvedere
I have been to Iceland. Well, to the airport at least. When my unit was flying back from Bosnia, we stopped in Iceland. Landed like at 3:00 in the morning. The plane had to refuel so we got to get off the plane and run around the airport. We saw one cleaning person and lo and behold the lounge was open. Not sure if they opened it up for us, but that was one of the best beers I have ever had. The bartender was blonde, young and made a lot of money on tips that day.
I have been to Iceland. Well, to the airport at least. When my unit was flying back from Bosnia, we stopped in Iceland. Landed like at 3:00 in the morning. The plane had to refuel so we got to get off the plane and run around the airport. We saw one cleaning person and lo and behold the lounge was open. Not sure if they opened it up for us, but that was one of the best beers I have ever had. The bartender was blonde, young and made a lot of money on tips that day.
Einstok is Icelandic! And very good
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I’m not sure when my grandfather arrived over there but he was shot in the helmet which saved his life. He was captured by German forces and became a POW.
Dang. A helmet away from no Beast 😳

My grandpa had just graduated NYU a few years earlier. Him and my grandmother (who left her job at the Empire State Building as a receptionist) left The Bronx to move off to some unheard of place he had been recruited to...Oak Ridge. They moved in right as the town was popping up practically overnight. What exactly he did...nobody will ever really know. We just knew he was an engineer who later in life also worked in finance for the OR plants.

He took me to his hometown when I was 16. Boston...but more precisely Charlestown...just one block from freakin Bunker Hill.

That guy was living in and around history. So cool to me. The Greatest Generation moved differently.
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