Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Thank you Lord🙏🏻🧡
Thank you @VOLSONLY for these updates👊🏻
Our prayers are first and foremost for SaS, but let’s also include VOLSONLY also. That he finds peace in his private life and on a side note, he finds his way back here on the best forum. Sorry, as I posted in the Zone earlier. I had surgery on my face for skin cancer Thursday, and to keep it short and sweet, it may not look pretty (my face and posts, but it’s up front and it is what it is). My left eye is swollen shut as my left side of my face is also the same. I won’t win any beauty contests right now, but just excuse any lapse of posting skills.
Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things
I don’t post much but thank you for the updates. Prayers for healing and full recovery so Soda can watch many more years of the Vol’s with her family.
She said she wasnt feeling good one day, then went quiet. A few days later we get told that her family has been called in and things look bleak.

This news feels like getting hit in the gut with a brick - multiple times. Ugh. I know the update is positive in comparison to what y'all had initially heard but to me it's new news and just awful. I'm hoping and praying for nothing but the best for her and hers.
Do you or any of your family have a Stanford degree? There’s 2 in my immediate family so I’ll believe what I saw over HITR’s impression.

Perhaps I exaggerated saying his post is 100% accurate. It’s a major advantage. If your family members failed to capture the opportunity they were given, that’s on them.

I don’t mean that as an insult. But it’s a huge advantage on their peers when exiting college. Unless they wanna go into sales or something. Then it doesn’t mean squat.
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Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things
Well, folks. Just got home from the rehearsal dinner. My youngest, my son is getting married tomorrow.
Congratulations for your family 🧡. Bring tissues and tell your wife to bring backup makeup for the reception. It’s a very emotional milestone, like first steps, first words, graduation and now this. Enjoy every moment.
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