Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I looked right at our professor who was looking right at us, knowing full well what TH was doing. I didn’t help him any, but I didn’t cover my paper, either. If the professor wanted to stop him, he could have.
You gave your all, that’s you can ask of someone…
Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things
Awesome, God is good
Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things


Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things
Heavenly Father we are so grateful and thankful for the continued progress of Sweet as Soda. We continue to lift her up, her physicians, caregivers, family, and friends. Strengthen them all during this difficult time. We pray you will help her to have a full and complete recovery. Please bless @VOLSONLY as he continues to be a conduit to her progress. Provide him and all those worried for SAS continued strength and peace.

In your name we pray, Amen
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Nico was so ridiculous in his first start with an o-line that was suspect and average receivers. I didn't have any doubts after that.

Hendon was great, but Josh is right. Heupel die squeeze every bit of potential out of him I think. Hendon was a good athlete with a solid arm and great poise.

Nico is bigger, a great athlete, elite arm and has great poise. I feel like it's his legs that will make a huge difference. Hendon was a good runner, but Hendon couldn't run for 3 TD's like Nico did. Nico is much faster and is just a more natural runner I think.

It's only a matter of how good our receivers and o-line is.
Josh Pate: He’s got one now(5 star QB)

Volnation: and another enrolling in December, and another one all but wrapped up.
Update on @SweetasSoda, her labs looked much better today and no seizures this far. Other good news is they’ve cut her sedation way back, she’s still on the ventilator because of the sedation but she’s breathing on her own so she’s making progress. Continue praying for Soda. Prayer definitely changes things

You can do this, Sweet!
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