Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Perhaps I exaggerated saying his post is 100% accurate. It’s a major advantage. If your family members failed to capture the opportunity they were given, that’s on them.

I don’t mean that as an insult. But it’s a huge advantage on their peers when exiting college. Unless they wanna go into sales or something. Then it doesn’t mean squat.
My family members have degrees from a variety of universities which provided educational opportunities that led to job opportunities. My observation is career success mostly is what you do after college. What I have been posting on here is the actual college experience at some of these perceived top universities today (may have been in the past) isn’t what it’s marketed to be. Tell us where your degree is from so you can share your actual experience to refute my posts.
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Our prayers are first and foremost for SaS, but let’s also include VOLSONLY also. That he finds peace in his private life and on a side note, he finds his way back here on the best forum. Sorry, as I posted in the Zone earlier. I had surgery on my face for skin cancer Thursday, and to keep it short and sweet, it may not look pretty (my face and posts, but it’s up front and it is what it is). My left eye is swollen shut as my left side of my face is also the same. I won’t win any beauty contests right now, but just excuse any lapse of posting skills.
Did not know you were going through this. Truly praying for a full and speedy recovery
Heavenly Father we are so grateful and thankful for the continued progress of Sweet as Soda. We continue to lift her up, her physicians, caregivers, family, and friends. Strengthen them all during this difficult time. We pray you will help her to have a full and complete recovery. Please bless @VOLSONLY as he continues to be a conduit to her progress. Provide him and all those worried for SAS continued strength and peace.

In your name we pray, Amen
This week, I'm ready for it to be over.

Continued prayers for @SweetasSoda .

Prayers for @Orangeredblooded . I hope you heal fast and feel better quickly.

Wednesday, I took my mom grocery shopping. She fell and broke her leg. She just lost her balance. Now she's in the hospital until at least Monday when they plan to send her to a physical rehab facility. Has been eating me up with worry.

My own mobility has been limited by my own busted knee and fracture.

Just have to keep grabbing hold of the good things to help pull me through the bad.
Really hope you and your mom are healed as quickly as possible. Praying for you all as well.
My family members have degrees from a variety of universities which provided educational opportunities that led to job opportunities. My observation is career success mostly is what you do after college. What I have been posting on here is the actual college experience at some of these perceived top universities today (may have been in the past) isn’t what it’s marketed to be. Tell us where your degree is from so you can share your actual experience to refute my posts.
My mom never finished her degree. Retired as regional vp of a major southern bank chain (think green). Success is what you make of it.
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