Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Alright volnation I feel kinda weird about this, but I'd be a bad actor if I didn't self promote!

Come see me star in this faith based musical next weekend if you're up for it!

Performing at the Jackson hall downtown Nash. You'll watch me lose my family because of my drug addiction and win them back with the help of the lord! We got a great cast with some true pro's and it really is an uplifting story.

Go Vols!
Wish it would've worked out for me being there then, and I sure would. I'll be there Monday and Tuesday though, best of luck.
Happy Wednesday. Another fitting one today.

June 12, 2024: You have gained momentum and are making progress. Keep moving forward, and refuse to allow anything to hold you back. I am your very present help in these times, says the Lord. Keep your chin up, and refuse to get overwhelmed. Remember, one step at a time; one day at a time. Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
I love you buddy and how you speak exactly what’s on your mind. That’s why you’re one of my favorites in the RF. Time is a wonderful thing. We reflect and think on past times. You are not the Eeyore you portray yourself to be. I’ll leave it be.
Shhh...don't say that out loud..they will all figure out I actually have a heart..🥰
We appreciate it. She's still fighting, we're actually talking with Vanderbilt now, and go see them this coming Tuesday. The bladder thing (if you remember) couldn't happen because she couldn't stay infection free. Vanderbilt actually had a Dr here do a test, and they actually found something that may possibly be the problem. They, for the first time, ran a camera through her kidneys, all the way. They saw a major problem, which would've never shown up on an MRI, or any scan because of where it was. Just help us pray this is the problem, and they can fix it!
🙏🙏🙏 for you and your family!!
Naw🤔 I’ll really have to think on this one…but it was always him and jaws..whenever we played one or the other…the Georgia guy had insight on Georgia high school players… it was voldawgs or something like that..I’ll really have to dig deep..he was always commenting on any player from Georgia when it came down to us and them in recruiting
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Can we all agree that Zane Denton is / was better than Billy Amick
Denton's #'s are from last year...

ZD .269 16 59 .403 .566 .969 120

BA .313 23 64 .392 .678 1.070 156


ZD 43 57 62

BA 62 72 46


ZD 5 .938

BA 7 .929

I love Zane Denton, he goes down in the annals for some of the things he did last year as a Vol; but, no, I won't be agreeing with all.
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