Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Morning all, after about a week of running on fumes and few moments close to complete mental and physical breakdown I think I may be finally seeing some light. Two of my animals fevers were on the low end yesterday but two more on the high end. All appear to be within normal range this morning. Just waiting on the pain/anti fever medication I gave last night to wear off in order to know for sure.

Please continue to pray for us. My wife had a breakdown last night....... Caring for 70 or so animals is stressful under normal conditions, considering many are special needs..... but when they are sick it's beyond exhausting.......

As I've been praying for guidance each night I've been including SaS........I haven't heard any updates in the last day or so, is there any news?
I would tell you how wrong you are, but I don't want to hurt your feelings and run you off for the day. 😉
Can't those store bought Dodgers beat the living crap out of Texas last night 15-2 nothing but Sunshine in my world. I will say this I observed the numbers you posted and Amick is a better hitter but neither one are world beaters in fielding pct.
Can't those store bought Dodgers beat the living crap out of Texas last night 15-2 nothing but Sunshine in my world. I will say this I observed the numbers you posted and Amick is a better hitter but neither one are world beaters in fielding pct.
I agree that Amick could be a bit better with the glove; but, again, as I said the other day, and I'm sure you'll agree...playing 3rd base is not easy, man.
Been a Reds fan for close to 70 years. I can remember players like Joey Jay, Johnny Temple, Smokey Burgess, Wally Post, Dan Maloney, Vada Pinson, and on and on. Saw Pete Rose rookie year.

Holy shat!…😂 @Ulysees E. McGill how does it feel to be 18 again buddy?…no more front row parking 😭😂😂 young buck
Just wanted to share with SAS still fighting…. A good friend of my wife went into the Hospital a couple of years ago. She was 8 months pregnant and was diagnosed with a combination flu, covid, double pneumonia. I don’t think they really knew what had truly happened to her. They ended up taking her baby bc the mom was in too bad of shape to give birth. We heard similar things such as that they were afraid she might have brain damage and kidneys shutting down. They used a highly experimental machine(can’t remember the name) to help keep her alive. She ended up making a complete recovery. This past week she shared Beach trip photos of her and family. Her and her son are such a miracle. continuing to 🙏🙏🙏 for SAS.
There are multiple with much more pressing needs right now, but could I get some prayers for my mom?

Our old family dog, Rocky, is going to be put down tomorrow morning —if he makes it through the night. We got him as a puppy shortly before my little brother was diagnosed with cancer, so he’s got an even closer placement to the heart than your normal furry friend. They’re going to bury him between my dad and brother.
Prayers...Putting down a best friend is always tough.
We appreciate it. She's still fighting, we're actually talking with Vanderbilt now, and go see them this coming Tuesday. The bladder thing (if you remember) couldn't happen because she couldn't stay infection free. Vanderbilt actually had a Dr here do a test, and they actually found something that may possibly be the problem. They, for the first time, ran a camera through her kidneys, all the way. They saw a major problem, which would've never shown up on an MRI, or any scan because of where it was. Just help us pray this is the problem, and they can fix it!
Prayers sent
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