Recruiting Football Talk VII

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It’s served me pretty well
I used to have a tumultuous relationship with the hated Lawdogs, and multiple run-ins every year...but by some miracle I have not had ONE issue with those nasty evil fascist bastards since July 1998...I wonder what in the world could have changed..🤔
You know that was fake news right? Is that what your whole "all minor offenses deserve the death penalty execution by the arresting police officer" philosophy is based on?

I see you got your jump to conclusions mat out and are going full tilt boogie on that thang. I never said anything about death penalty for minor offenses and I speak enough of my own words without you putting extra ones in my mouth for me. I have only simply stated that people that break the law or are trespassing or otherwise doing stupid things that they ought not be doing should expect to receive some sort of reaction. Tackling someone can lead to very bad things for a cop/security guard if that person is stronger than they are or are high etc. Generally, tazers and the like were created as alternatives so that cops don't have to reach for their sidearm or even their baton as a first resort. If a person puts themselves in a position that ends in them getting tazed and they have some sort of condition that results in severe injury or death then maybe they shouldn't have put themselves in that position. Actions have consequences. Now, that being said, none of this is black and white (cut and dry if you prefer). Some cops escalate when they should not and those situations should be considered as they come. However, cops in general have very short decision making windows that could very well wind up with someone being killed. It may be a criminal. It may be an innocent person that was in the wrong place and the cop screwed up. Or if the cop reacts to slowly, it could be the cop that winds up dead. This whole issue can be improved upon, but it will always be with us I am afraid. As long as we need cops, there will be situations in which they have to make life or death decisions. Every time it ends in death is a tragedy.
We are always going to struggle to win this thing because of that nearly totally negates our greatest strength.

Teams that get the best pitching the last few games and can manufacture runs the old fashioned way are always going to be hard to beat in Omaha.

I hate that place and I will never understand the logic behind it.
We are very good at hitting the ball gap to gap as well. We should be fine
I see you got your jump to conclusions mat out and are going full tilt boogie on that thang. I never said anything about death penalty for minor offenses and I speak enough of my own words without you putting extra ones in my mouth for me. I have only simply stated that people that break the law or are trespassing or otherwise doing stupid things that they ought not be doing should expect to receive some sort of reaction. Tackling someone can lead to very bad things for a cop/security guard if that person is stronger than they are or are high etc. Generally, tazers and the like were created as alternatives so that cops don't have to reach for their sidearm or even their baton as a first resort. If a person puts themselves in a position that ends in them getting tazed and they have some sort of condition that results in severe injury or death then maybe they shouldn't have put themselves in that position. Actions have consequences. Now, that being said, none of this is black and white (cut and dry if you prefer). Some cops escalate when they should not and those situations should be considered as they come. However, cops in general have very short decision making windows that could very well wind up with someone being killed. It may be a criminal. It may be an innocent person that was in the wrong place and the cop screwed up. Or if the cop reacts to slowly, it could be the cop that winds up dead. This whole issue can be improved upon, but it will always be with us I am afraid. As long as we need cops, there will be situations in which they have to make life or death decisions. Every time it ends in death is a tragedy.
I was obviously wildly exaggerating your position for the sake of rhetorical irony. I know you don't advocate wanton execution of minor criminals.
Yup. I work for a consulting company that implements GenAI applications for various customers. The best ones are human-in-the-loop solutions. Enablers, not replacers.
There is absolutely replacing going on in a lot of best situations. Not ENTIRELY replacing, like you said human in loop. But there are almost always fewer humans post implementation.
Since we’re fantasizing what makes you think i haven’t been tased, shot, pepper sprayed and dumped in a culvert only for my ghost to haunt this web forum seeking morally perfect Americans who lack the ability to accept a modifier to generalized statements that presuppose good behavior is all that’s needed to keep you safe from harm?

Seriously this is what we’re doing?
Again, this isn’t what was said. Strawman alert.

Poster 1 said that getting killed by a cop is much less likely when you obey the law.

You said that wasn’t true.

Now you’re arguing that obeying the law isn’t fully sufficient to keep you safe from harm but that was never the argument.
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