Recruiting Football Talk VII

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June is spring there. Summer is Mid July-Labor Day. Annnd that's about it.
I know that...but it is what it is...mid June can be great or icky...but WAY less busloads of Asian tourists...and the animals have all just dropped their young so it is super cool seeing all the little Bison, Elk and Grizzlies before they head to the high meadows for the summer.

I will love it no matter what happens.
Why was @TN-POSSUM 's daughter rummaging around in your closet?? Something you want to share???
Yes, my grammar and punctuation are horrible. I turned in a research paper when I was a freshman that had ain't in it 3 times. I was fortunate enough that it was returned to me to fix, I write exactly the way I talk. Hahahahaha


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