Recruiting Football Talk VII

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When will Jerry sign CeeDee to his extension or just going to concentrate on Micah?

If it was my choose I would rather keep Micah, you can find receivers in draft. Patriots won all those Super Bowls without a #1 receiver done it by committee.
I think CeeDee may get his before Micah’s. There are three priorities on the roster imo and all will be resigned.
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Please eep the Dad jokes coming. I get to irritate my wife every day with them.
Thanks, bud. I missed being on here. I caught up this morning and it looked like @DD4ME was doing a good job leading the sunshine brigade.

I'm not 100% sure what's going on with me. I've had a fever (off and on) since last Saturday night, I can't hardly breathe, and I keep coughing up green chunks. I'm hoping that eye swelling up last night was the grand finale. I'm going to the doctor Monday..... if my lungs don't start clearing up.

This pic was an hour before the game started. By 6:30, it was almost completely shut. View attachment 649083*I had took 2 benadryl and about dozed off went FSU went up by 5.
That benadryl really affected you…we saw the pics of you walking around naked on another poster’s back porch. Looked like you were unsure of where you were and didn’t realize that you weren’t wearing clothes. 😂
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