Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Do not understand why the higher seed team is not given Home Field in all NCAA post season games.
Yep. Silly concept. The higher seed has earned the right to be the home team through 56 games in the regular season. That should be the reward for regular season success.
Needs to change.
I’ve been there once about 7 years ago. Course is gorgeous. The homes on the course are gorgeous.

I was super shocked to see The Grove be willing to take on a LIV tourney
Agree with mrMet on gorgeous course and house. Norman design. Really good track.

Smart of the The Grove to host. Gets their foot in the door to a professional tournament. Who knows what professional golf looks like in the next few years. They can demonstrate how they can run an event that could open doors down the road.
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Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Awful. Thank you so much for keeping us updated.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Prayers for her and her family. Really horrible to happen to such a nice and polite individual.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Know it is tough on you. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Prayers for all.
Show me where I have ever disparaged anyone like Orel Hershiser for example..I freaking hate hate hate the stupid Dodgers, but I have never and would never stoop to saying ridiculous disparaging demeaning 💩about him...he was great and I know it.

Maddux was an amazing say otherwise is pure stupid jealous 🦬💩...period.
I am not disparaging him at all…. You take advantage of what rules are being applied at the time. No different than Bob Gibson taking advantage of the higher mound when he pitched. Here is an article about it as well.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken

Thank you for continued updates.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Oh no, prayers for her and her family. Not the update any of us wanted......... but feared based on recent information.
😀 Yep - a definite challenger for #1, just not as clever or proficient at it as Maddux.

Glad you did miss the hyperbole.

Please eep the Dad jokes coming. I get to irritate my wife every day with them.
Last night I had a nightmare that disco was making a comeback.

At first I was afraid. I was petrified...
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Prayers SaS.................
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Prayers will continue for her and her family, including you @VOLSONLY. I am like others on here, and the sudden turn this took has thrown me for a loop. We are not promised tomorrow.

James 4:13-15

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
It’s definitely not what any of us want to hear. I have seen people bounce back from this as well as long as she has brain activity. my advice….. make sure she goes to a good skilled nursing facility. Get podus boots to help prevent drop foot…. Family to continue doing Range of Motion in all joints/hands to prevent contractures… Do not allow CNAs staff to put pillows under knees/can be under ankles. If/when she comes back to us… Have her sit up in a chair most of the day. I will be continuing to 🙏🙏🙏.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken

This is a site to compare nursing homes…. It doesn’t give a complete picture but will let you know if their have been major issues.
Can’t compare Michigan and Washington to the type of recruiting we need to be doing.
sure you can. Michigan dominated Alabama in the trenches. that is how they won it all. same is true in the SEC.

coaching(motivation/focus), development, scheme all go into to it too. When Bama was a dynasty they had it ALL, not just recruiting. Georgia's run has been based on everything as well, not just recruiting.

the easiest place to "get better" is recruiting. But the better the rest of your coaching/development/scheme are, the less critical recruiting is. better recruiting makes the rest of it easier, but it isn't required.

Dabo's actually gotten better at recruiting after his titles, but much worse on development/coaching, and his teams have suffered. TAMU has all the recruiting, but no coaching, scheme, or development. same in Miami. Texas has always had good recruiting, but only pulled it together when they figured out the coaching aspect. Michigan never brought in top classes but dominated OSU with "worse" players.

frankly I don't think we need to be dynasty good to be good, or where we want to be. College football would be better as a whole if more teams were winning. we just need to be good enough to break the dynasties.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
I'm suddenly sick to my stomach.
I'm a regular RF lurker, not poster. Lately whenever I login it's a scroll looking for updates. In fact, whenever I think about checking in on VN....SaS is the first thought that follows and I'll say a quick prayer and start scrolling. I hate this update. I just don;t want to accept it. I'll continue to say prayers and continue to watch for that positive update. Hang in there SweetasSoda...come back in here soon. Please Lord guide those hand caring for her and hold her family in peace and comfort through this....amen.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
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