Recruiting Football Talk VII

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It’s definitely not what any of us want to hear. I have seen people bounce back from this as well as long as she has brain activity. my advice….. make sure she goes to a good skilled nursing facility. Get podus boots to help prevent drop foot…. Family to continue doing Range of Motion in all joints/hands to prevent contractures… Do not allow CNAs staff to put pillows under knees/can be under ankles. If/when she comes back to us… Have her sit up in a chair most of the day. I will be continuing to 🙏🙏🙏.
great advice.

love how this place loves one another. 👍🏻

y'all are good people.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Don't post much but wanted to send my prayers. I have always enjoyed SaS's posts. She has always been a true embodiment of what Volnation represents.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
I am so sorry and sad. Prayers for all involved. I confess to not have good words for this one. So I will keep it simple.

We come to you with heavy hearts and sadness. We place prayers both said and unsaid at your feet. We trust you will help all to get through this difficult news and time.

In your name we pray - Amen
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Continued prayers for the recovery. 💔
sure you can. Michigan dominated Alabama in the trenches. that is how they won it all. same is true in the SEC.

coaching(motivation/focus), development, scheme all go into to it too. When Bama was a dynasty they had it ALL, not just recruiting. Georgia's run has been based on everything as well, not just recruiting.

the easiest place to "get better" is recruiting. But the better the rest of your coaching/development/scheme are, the less critical recruiting is. better recruiting makes the rest of it easier, but it isn't required.

Dabo's actually gotten better at recruiting after his titles, but much worse on development/coaching, and his teams have suffered. TAMU has all the recruiting, but no coaching, scheme, or development. same in Miami. Texas has always had good recruiting, but only pulled it together when they figured out the coaching aspect. Michigan never brought in top classes but dominated OSU with "worse" players.

frankly I don't think we need to be dynasty good to be good, or where we want to be. College football would be better as a whole if more teams were winning. we just need to be good enough to break the dynasties.
Michigan also had the benefit of having any easy schedule minus OSU. They were super fresh going into the playoffs. Not to discredit them and their national championship. With the Big Ten adding Oregon, Washington, and USC (They will eventually get it going) it will make it much tougher on teams like Michigan. That being said if this keeps up with the conferences. It will turn into a NFL G league with the Big Ten being on conference and The SEC+ Clemson and FSU.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Please understand that I truly appreciate you bringing us these updates, but man that took my breath away😥
Prays for her and her family🙏🏻😔
Love you SaS🧡
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told today that the Dr.s are wanting to move her to a long term home. She’s off of the ventilator and breathing on her own but is not waking up or responding 🥲. Continued prayers

😢Sending prayers her way!!!!

I haven't kept up on here in quite a while and had no idea.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
🙏 for all.

Hang in there, bud.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
🙏 for SAS and her family.
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken

So sad hearing this. Always sweet and positive on here. Praying for a miracle!
Michigan also had the benefit of having any easy schedule minus OSU. They were super fresh going into the playoffs. Not to discredit them and their national championship. With the Big Ten adding Oregon, Washington, and USC (They will eventually get it going) it will make it much tougher on teams like Michigan. That being said if this keeps up with the conferences. It will turn into a NFL G league with the Big Ten being on conference and The SEC+ Clemson and FSU.
I don’t think Clemson and FSU are locks for the sec in fact I think they go to the Big Ten
Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
Prayers for the best Vol among us!

Michigan also had the benefit of having any easy schedule minus OSU. They were super fresh going into the playoffs. Not to discredit them and their national championship. With the Big Ten adding Oregon, Washington, and USC (They will eventually get it going) it will make it much tougher on teams like Michigan. That being said if this keeps up with the conferences. It will turn into a NFL G league with the Big Ten being on conference and The SEC+ Clemson and FSU.

Not having Harbaugh as HC will make it tougher on Michigan.
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