Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I mean we just need to find another elite John to announce Vols football...

John Ward & John Wilkerson are legendary voices. I also though Mickey was very good (didn't care for him on the morning show, but announce Lady Vols he did a fine job)
Mickey had a great play-by-play voice.
They cut to him once smiling and clapping after his son missed a strike 2.

The only time I felt bad for Kent was when the announcers said in game 1 that the kid himself said his dad was never satisfied. A single should be a double, etc. That was his response to national reporters and on the biggest moment in his life. I hate that for him. I know I push my kids to do their best, but man I would hate for them to say that nothing they did was good enough.
So coaching rushmore...

Pat, Neyland, Tony & Barnes

I don't think I would put Fulmer over any of them...he was great, but ya only get 4 and I like the variety of 4 sports represented.
I think Fulmer goes ahead of Barnes - National Championships mean something to me at least.
June 25,1876
Battle of the Little Bighorn

In mid-June, three columns of U.S. soldiers lined up against the camp and prepared to march. A force of 1,200 Native Americans turned back the first column on June 17. Five days later, General Alfred Terry ordered Custer’s 7th Cavalry to scout ahead for enemy troops. On the morning of June 25, Custer drew near the camp and decided to press on ahead rather than wait for reinforcements.

At mid-day, Custer’s 600 men entered the Little Bighorn Valley. Among the Native Americans, word quickly spread of the impending attack. The older Sitting Bull rallied the warriors and saw to the safety of the women and children, while Crazy Horse set off with a large force to meet the attackers head on. Despite Custer’s desperate attempts to regroup his men, they were quickly overwhelmed. Custer and some 200 men in his battalion were attacked by as many as 3,000 Native Americans; within an hour, Custer and every last one of his soldiers was dead.

The Battle of the Little Bighorn—also called Custer’s Last Stand—marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. The gruesome fate of Custer and his men outraged many white Americans and confirmed their image of the Native Americans as "wild." Meanwhile, the U.S. government increased its efforts to subdue the tribes. Within five years, almost all of the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne would be confined to reservations.


The only time I felt bad for Kent was when the announcers said in game 1 that the kid himself said his dad was never satisfied. A single should be a double, etc. That was his response to national reporters and on the biggest moment in his life. I hate that for him. I know I push my kids to do their best, but man I would hate for them to say that nothing they did was good enough.
That’s where I was blessed man. My grandad would say those same things as Kent’s dad, but never during the most crucial moments, in those moments he was always a father, didn’t care about how I did.
I think Fulmer goes ahead of Barnes - National Championships mean something to me at least.

I mean Barnes is 1 of 3 to win 200 games, his 6 NCAA appearances is tied for 1st, 2 SEC regular season titles (only Mears/Pearl have more), 1 conference tournament title only Mauer has more and 1 elite eight is the same as Pearl.

But Fulmer could easily be in there, mostly didn't want 2 football coaches is all.
Strictly talking about offense.......... The two pivotal plays were CMo's opening shot, it set the tone and sent a message.......... And Ensley's slide, great awareness.

Without either of those two plays the game would have been in question and we'd have had to go to bats.

What a night, great team effort!
Rick is who you want to rebuild your program to get you good. He’s like a Mark Richt. Always good but doesn’t have that Pat Summitt/Nick Saban/Vitello/Kirby Smart relentlessness special sauce about him. That’s fine but that’s how it is. Tony Vitello is ELITE, Pat Summitt is ELITE…. There’s something different about them. You just see it on the recruiting trail, how they talk and what happens on the scoreboard
I mean Barnes is 1 of 3 to win 200 games, his 6 NCAA appearances is tied for 1st, 2 SEC regular season titles (only Mears/Pearl have more), 1 conference tournament title only Mauer has more and 1 elite eight is the same as Pearl.

But Fulmer could easily be in there, mostly didn't want 2 football coaches is all.
I don’t think he realizes you did one for each sport.
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