Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Ole Greg showing his true colors


Just another example of the seething hatred bama has towards anything TENNESSEE. During our darkest years, we had an athletic department full of gumps and we had the antiVOL himself coaching our football team. They are not to be believed or trusted by any VOLUNTEER. Do you see how healthy we got after we purged the tide out of our university?

And don't ever forget, the SEC office and the media are full of the filthy varmints.

Up yours, Greg!

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So terribly sorry to hear about @SweetasSoda passing. With all respect to the many fine posters on this forum, she was the best of us. I’ve spent way too much time on message boards over the last 25 years, and I don’t think I’ve ever run across a sweeter, warmer, or more genuine person than her. She seemed impervious to all the many ways that the base aspects of human nature can make people interact in this medium and was a friend to everyone she “met” around here.

Vaya con Dios, @SweetasSoda you will be missed.
Ole Greg showing his true colors

McElroy is a F’ING SHAM! You are the most classless person in reporting making something out of NOTHING solely because of your distaste for Tennessee because you’re a sister shtooping butt plug sausage making no teef having piece of TRASH! GO TO HEII BAMMER

Tennessee is better than Bama in every sport but football and about to be in it too. The reckoning is coming Bammers. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable.

Just brought this to the football forum. He will feel our wrath. Bad choice, mcsmellroy.
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If he does go to Texas, it will create a domino effect of teams thinking they're going to get Tony. First, it'll be A&M. Then they'll hire a coach from somewhere and that team he leaves will be thinking they're getting Tony. And so on and so forth. Never say never, but I don't think Tony is going anywhere. Just be prepared for the rumors that he is.
I didn't see any crazy antics celebrating. Was there something specific that offended people? I didn't watch the whole thing, but it seemed pretty tame.
He jumped in the crowd. Big whoop. I think Greg just mad we finally are getting good. Now game 2 was Tony a tad too touchy. Yes. Seemed to work though.
Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭
I can only hope she has been relieved from her pain and illness and is in a better place now 🥺

My mind immedately turns to her husband. I think many of us know he had his own demons and this could be a massive trigger for him. Please turn your thoughts to him and her family. They need it the most right now.

@VOLSONLY I'd like to start a gofundme to help with their funeral expenses. If we can gather 7k, that would be a bare minimum for the average US funeral and would take a burden off their shoulders, when they should be focused on anything but that. After what we did for Nick, I know we could raise that and more. Would anyone in her family be willing to be the beneficiary for the GFM?
So, Baseball National Champions.
Utu and Poteat commitments.
SAS has left us.

Did I miss anything else? If so, @ me so I can see it later. Right now, I'm going to go be melancholy about that last one for a little bit.

Hope my bluntness doesn't come across wrong. I'm saddened we lost a good person and bright spirit today. Never met her, but she seemed like a good and sweet person. Prayers for her family.
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