Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Roy Williams went off on Bonnie Bernstein after Kansas lost the title game when asked if he was considering the UNC job, and then he took the job at UNC a few days later.
Yeah, an infamous inveterate liar and known crook with NCAA permission to cheat with impunity did the same thing once. A walking RICO case named Saban.
Agree - blessing in disguise. He took the money, did it his way, and lost. He doesn't care because it was always about him - me first guy. We want team first guys.
This was a team-first team from head to toe. The counterexample may have helped them to see this is a real and essential principle and a way of being -- not something to pay mere lip-service to. Whatever role that event played, I don't think can be sorted out. But the team-first enthusiasm was on full display.
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Well, it took a while and I skipped some pages but I’ve caught up.
Reading all/most of your comments was gold!
Reading about SAS was heart breaking.
We are National Champions and SAS is home with her Heavenly Father. I do not understand the ways of our Lord but I trust in His timing and His will.
Praying for her family and all of us on volnation who will miss her🙏🏻
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I love it.

When the only thing your rivals can criticize about your coach is their demeanor, you know you got a good one.

No one cares what you do if you’re losing.
They hate us cuz they aint us.
They hate us cuz they anus.

They have been using crooked media to push these lies about Tony for at least 3 years. Meanwhile, we are national champions.

And they are a bunch of sour grapes bishes and "mean girl" spite cases.
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@Weezer, do you have anything laying around that we could sacrifice? I am about out of skin until my necks round of skin grafts is approved.
Couldn't get a football recruit with @drvenner 's nads, so I doubt they'd work for a basketball NC. We could always sacrifice some of the negas. Like that Rise fella.
hmm didnt his baseball coach get fired for gambling on his games?

I think Bama AD stepped in and fired him and told the NCAA "it's all good," no need to look into this, and they didn't. Basketball coach at Bama defends accomplice to murder as "wrong place wrong time." Football coach defended violence against women and handed out free Chargers by dozens when it was illegal and everyone knew the necessary condition of his success was buying every class with corrupt NCAA immunity.

It's the most crooked athletic department in the country. And has been.

If only ol' Jimbo dumbo at TAMU had told the whole truth about Saban, instead of hinting at it (without details) and merely saying that he knew, and then getting told to STFU by Birmingham and not speak of what Saban had done in detail. It would have been a bombshell. And it would have been Sankey's fault for not telling Saban to STFU or fining him: he did nothing, forcing TAMU to respond, then told them both to stop, as if the blame were equal.
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I guess we should do classy stuff like slap co eds after tough losses.

Seriously Greg, the one example you picked absolutely would react that way, especially as a younger man after winning a championship. Greg isn't capable of being unbiased, I've literally witnessed him hold his nose while offering praise for the Volunteer team that beat his Bammers. He's a smug unrespected tool in his profession.
Ole Greg showing his true colors

Greg is scared of the monster awakening and rising up outta hell
He knows
Showing his true colors acting like a bammer *******. A respectable host wouldn’t disgrace a coach like that. He’s a hypocritical bitch

It’s great to be a Tennessee Vol!!!!!!!!!!
Not a drop of alcohol last night, but I was up until the early AM before I finally fell asleep. Still woke up feeling hung over as hell. Getting older sucks.
Same. I was up until about 3 and didn't have a drop, but felt like hell when I woke up. Going to have a couple of beers to day to make up for it.
Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭
Today is the very definition of 'bittersweet'.
I am heartbroken by this...such a sad thing.

RIP Soda
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