Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Again, no you don't. There are 4 teams that have won it all without consistent Top 5, vs 6 that have. that is hardly some wild crazy lottery type winning percentage.

expanding on this:

of the total 40 playoff teams:

Only 16 (3 unique teams) teams have had at least a Top 5 class in 3 of the 4 years before they were in the playoffs.
20 of the playoff teams have had 0 Top 5 classes and made the playoffs, 8 unique teams.

4 of the years that was only 1 consistent Top 5 in the playoffs. inversely only once has there only been 1 non-Top 5 in the playoffs.

Bama has been left out 2 twice despite ALWAYS having a Top 5 class.
Clemson is the second most frequent team in the playoffs, despite only having 1 Top 5 class in their 6 appearances.
Ohio State is the next most consistent in the Top recruiting classes, being in there 3 of 4 over any period, and they have been left out 5 times, that is half of the times. they have made the third most appearances.
Oklahoma has been 4 times, never had a Top 5 class when in the playoffs. third most trips.
Georgia has been in the Top 5 for 8 years, but only been to the playoffs twice during that run. three total trips.
Michigan is tied with Georgia for the number of appearances, and never had a Top 5 class when in the playoffs.

It is not at all a requirement to have consistent, if any, Top 5 classes.
🎤 drop
Is it?

He’s mentioned Bama and OSU because they had the odd year outside the top 5. They’re probably 2 of the 3 best examples of consistent top 5 recruiting.

Clemson and OU had comparatively cupcake conference schedules that we won’t ever have the benefit of. And Michigan, they are around 10th I believe in average class over the last decade or so. And they were stealing signals, so there’s that.

We prob don’t NEED consistent top 5s to win, but it sure as hell helps. Especially considering our path always runs through about half a dozen consistent top 10 recruiting teams. Where we are now, 8-10 every year seems not only doable but likely, and it’s not nega or a criticism of the staff to say it’s a goal we should have. We are already headed there it seems.
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