Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I live down here amongst Aggy and the T Sippers. T Sippers loving they stole from Aggy and Aggie fans are hostile mad! I do feel bad for them. This is about as bad of lying pos human being as I can remember as a head coach blatantly lying. He should have told that reporter that he was focused on being with his team and not talking about the future. But to lie like that and then make the move within 24 hours, wow!
To be honest, I feel really bad for A&M fans. This is the biggest stab in the back imaginable. Hearts ripped out last night and the final dagger today.
I read their comments before our game yesterday. I do not feel bad for them in the least. If you read what the majority of them were saying, I think you'd agree.

We made fun of the yell team, but we never really talked bad about individuals. . . no where near what they were saying. They were trashing Vitello, the players, the fans, and Tennessee in general, saying some pretty nasty stuff.

I think a tragedy like this should happen to them (their fans) every morning, 😂. . . maybe not the players. . .
I didn't see any crazy antics celebrating. Was there something specific that offended people? I didn't watch the whole thing, but it seemed pretty tame.
They hate that he has fun, and created a DOMINANT program where his players work hard...but still have fun.

I don't remember any player EVER saying they would die for Nick Saban like Cal did about Tony.

THIS..the way all of our coaches are doing the new paradigm in college sports.
I can only hope she has been relieved from her pain and illness and is in a better place now 🥺

My mind immedately turns to her husband. I think many of us know he had his own demons and this could be a massive trigger for him. Please turn your thoughts to him and her family. They need it the most right now.

@VOLSONLY I'd like to start a gofundme to help with their funeral expenses. If we can gather 7k, that would be a bare minimum for the average US funeral and would take a burden off their shoulders, when they should be focused on anything but that. After what we did for Nick, I know we could raise that and more. Would anyone in her family be willing to be the beneficiary for the GFM?
He was the first thing I though of...I spent some time praying for is going to be tough.
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