Recruiting Football Talk VII

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mlb cannot help where the teams are located, ergo College Sports cannot help teams that have given a crap about athletics for decades.

i do however, think there needs to be a cap.
A cap is what the corrupt NCAA needs to return to its complete tyrannical power and RICO operations, turning a blind eye to favorites and assailing the rivals of their pets. That is the problem. There is no one available to justly perform the duties of enforcement. People need to provide us with an account of who would enforce the caps and why it would be different this time. And don't fail to notice that the biggest cheater and criminal in NCAA history, Nickie "stolen honor" Saban is a point man for caps. You know, like the cap of zero on the number of free Dodge Chargers a coach could hand out.

As it stands we can't even get the NCAA or Disney/ESPN to go after TAMU for stealing signals and lying about it to NCAA umpires. Attempting to corrupt the CWS with impunity. Don't get me started on Michigan or Bama.

But most of all, I just want to talk about how awesome our national championship in baseball is!
How is your nephew? Doing well, I hope.
He hasn't been in any trouble. He's still a little slow adapting to being here. He wasn't used to having many rules or structure. I got him into therapy, so I'm hoping that helps. It's something that I think he's needed for a long time, but his grandmother didn't believe in such things. On a positive note, the kid is starting to get pretty good playing guitar. He's trying to eat me into poverty though 😅. He's been working out with my oldest son. He was 142 lbs when he got here. He's was up to 173 lbs as of last Friday. Thanks for asking.
Just a reminder,

Wait, Jim what is that on your hat?

'Nothing to see here. Please disperse.

I AM NOT going to Texas. Clowning on me is not allowed, further, I am finna throw a tantrum about that very question.

How dare you?'

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Jim Sausagebagels.

Politics aren’t the only place where you can find psycho narcissists as far as the eye can see.

College coaches are nut jobs. This guy being an exhibit.
Hope Zander didn't party with Blake. Zander probably in a pile under a table in bar about now.
He was on as little bit ago, sounded like he had a rough......... But very fun, night.

Edit to add:

Sounded like he had many adult beverages......... And I bet he didn't have to pay for a single one, rightfully so!
I'm sorry. It's bad news, my friend. @SweetasSoda passed away today (Tues) at 12:59 pm. She was never able to recover and ended up in a coma before passing away. It's a sad day for the VN RF. And of course for her family. You can see details by searching for the posts by @VOLSONLY. It is amazing all the people here who were touched by her without ever having met her in person. I figured I would answer you here lest it be in player's thread.
Whattt. 😢 Not SaS. Oh Lord. I had no idea. I’ve been off for so long I didn’t know she was even sick. She was so fun and sweet. Doesn’t seem like VN without her. I’ll check out those posts to get caught up. The official cheerleader of VN 📣
I was waiting...

Dwayne Johnson's Unstoppable Confidence
I was waiting...

Rival fans when they have a baseball HC: “Tony is overrated and classless! I want to punch him in the nuts! I don’t want him anywhere near our program!”

Rivals fans when they have a baseball HC opening: “Please… please, I’ll let Tony punch ME in the nuts everyday for the rest of my life if he comes and takes this job!”

Sorry, bitches. He’s here to stay. Tony’s blood is clad in Big Orange now!
It has been and is crystal clear that we have coaches who are fully invested in TN. They not only love the program they are leading, but they are massive fans of all of our athletic programs and university. This shows that. For all the wondering in the wilderness we have gone through, we are blessed to have these coaches leading us now….and Danny White! It is always great to be a Tennessee Vol, and it is especially great right now. Hope we get to enjoy this for many many years.
This is why I am not worried about anybody poaching Tony or Hype or Rick or Kim. Danny Dub is building a family amongst the programs. The coaches and players all attend each other's games. They are with each other when they fail and they celebrate when they win. Family is being built.
The NCAA really screwed this up.
The NCAA was highly successful at doing what was their true top priority: running a RICO op to advance and protect favorites and using their fluid* "rules" to go after rivals of their favorites. In effect, rigging outcomes by rigging the preconditions of success, and grabbing as much cash as they could. Assembling a gigantic number of boards and titles.

Acting as wise and just stewards of college athletics was never on their radar imo. They were and are NOT competent to do that. But I don't think just administration was ever anything but propaganda on their part, anyway.

They put the sport in a position where the so called "wild west" is the least worst option. It's a shame. As much as people find it fashionable to complain about lawyers, the NCAA arranged matters such that lawsuits were and are the only available response to tyranny. Just an all around corrupt and heinous organization.
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