Recruiting Football Talk VII

I am suspicious because the "of sexual assault" part is not attributed as a quoted thing he said -- it's inferred by whomever wrote that. If what he said is "It's never been more glamorous to be a victim," there is truth in that -- not in being a victim per se, but in being perceived as one, and if he was saying it to his players as a warning that they need to be careful how they tread around people they don't know, it strikes me as prudent.
That's how I interpreted it. And he's right if that's the case. Don't put yourself in situations where someone can have a chance to appear a victim because they'll jump at that chance.

I doubt that quote alone is why he's been fired though.
Lebron got his boy 7.9 mill guaranteed. LOL

I really couldn't care less about the blatant nepotism at face value. Part of me is actually very impressed LeBron made this happen for his kid.

Unfortunately, the Lakers being run on LeBron's whim means when he retires in 1-2 years, Dalton will be there holding the bag in one of the sorriest organizations in the NBA.

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