Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I have to admit something that I'm a lil embarrassed about...I don't like eggs...unless you scramble them and smother them with cheese. You know, cover up the whole 'egg' thing.
Not a big fan either. I trace it back to an aunt trying to force me to eat eggs when I was a kid. Before that, I ate them. After that, I just lost the taste.
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I seriously doubt society as a whole will ever wish AI had never existed. The advancements we'll be able to make that would have take generations longer will be amazing once we figure out how to use AI properly.
The scary picture of "humans vs AI" is far more simplistic and binary than what will actually happen. Ultimately it won't be people fighting it, because we'll be blended with it. And it won't be older generations, for exactly the reasons you see on here every time the subject comes up, but younger generations will embrace it. Eventually you won't be able to get a white collar job without being augmented, because there will be 5 people waiting behind you who are. Adapt or dig ditches.

10...9...8... <countdown until McGill offers his unique brand of disagreement>
Schools need to stop paying for tests that purposefully fail students. Especially when in the 3rd grade the entire state of Tennessee averaged less than what was needed to automatically be passed onto the 4th grade
I don't have a prob with it , if the kids cant pass the test they should not move on .my kid faced the pressure of this last year and finished in the top percentile of the state which well exceeded the states cut line
I don't have a prob with it , if the kids cant pass the test they should not move on .my kid faced the pressure of this last year and finished in the top percentile of the state which well exceeded the states cut line
and yet my kid had the same test stips this year in the 4th grade , and happy to say ,in the top percentile this year also
Bowl of Grits with a little margarine trumps all breakfast.
Margarine? MeeMaw says, "Get yo *** out my kitchen for I brain you with mah soup ladle you degenerate heathern!"

In the south, we use butter. Real butter. Lots of it. Take your margarine and head back to yankee land with that crap!
Schools need to stop paying for tests that purposefully fail students. Especially when in the 3rd grade the entire state of Tennessee averaged less than what was needed to automatically be passed onto the 4th grade
my prob with it is this ,the only students who are immune to being held back because they fail the test are students who have been held back a year already, how much sense does that make
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