Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I guess anyone is free to have insane opinions..

We don't have a rivalry as big as Auburn-Bama. None of our rivals consider us their top rival, and the teams that would, we don't respect to consider rivals at all.

Some of our fans can't stand to hear that for some reason but it isn't a statement on anything other than geography. Personally I think it's a prime time to lean into it. I can hate Bama every third year just as easy as I can hate them every year. I'll take a marginally better chance at the playoffs all day over yearly games with Bama, Georgia, or Florida.

If the SEC calls Danny White and asks him who our biggest rivalry game is, he better say Vanderbilt and keep a straight face until the call ends.
This is true, and your final statement is hilarious. I like playing Bama every year. However, Tennessee would benefit more than any team in the entire conference by cutting down to one annual rivalry game. Our rival would almost certainly be Vanderbilt, who is easily the worst team in the conference.

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Consider how f---ed up that is. There is a plan that all the schools approve. Saban wants to make his schedule easier, so he objects. Sankey says, well, the SEC office will put this under further review, then! Whatever Saban wants! Sankey announces nothing. Saban goes on the radio and says as Alabama's coach I am announcing that this is the schedule we are forcing all SEC teams to abide by next year and thereafter. The Saban plan nixes two rivalry games per team. Both plans enable every league team to play every other team home and away every four years; so that feature is not an advantage of Saban's plan. He tries his best to make it sound as if it is. wtf. Now we await Sankey telling us: "What Nick said."
Have Sankey and Saban ever been seen in the same room simultaneously?
I feel the same, college football was so cool, in part, because it’s so regional. Winning those conference titles was a badge of honor.
Yeah, and all that’s going to matter now is who wins the playoff. It used to be about more than just whoever won the natty, but now that’s all anyone will care about. Conference title games are stupid at this point.
I don’t care about them. You basically said that rivalry doesn’t matter, that nobody else worth a **** plays that weekend, etc. So I called you out on it. Pretty simple forumla here

I haven’t said anything about ending any rivalry 😂😂 I have only called you out for sounding like a complete buffoon, dude. You’ll be ok, I promise!
If you haven't said anything about ending rivalries, it is because you have no idea what this is about, and you are pettily pestering on some trite stray fact that you don't understand in itself or in context.

If you are concerned with preserving tradition, you should approve the thrust of what I am saying. And if you think my trolling the AL-Aub game is in anyway offensive, that is highly questionable. I say it is because you are staring at one twig and hardly see the tree, much less the forest.

And you never provided the AL-Aubie game time slot. You simply made a list of all the games played on a 4-day weekend. I stick by my opinion that TSIO is greater than the IroningBored Bowl. So is LSU-AL. And I stick by my opinion that given the same time slot, TSIO would pull bigger viewship numbers. But this is not about that.

This is about you continually harrassing someone calling attention to Saban attempting to slay tradition by ending 2 rivalry games per team in the entire conference. And your response is to spend all night arguing for the 1 rivalry game that Saban wants to keep. That's the context. In order that he by choice -- and by compulsion evert other SEC school -- drop two other rivalry games. The loss of all those rivalry is more important than who plays who on Thanksgiving weekend.
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How big of a collector? We have a bottle at the store I’d love to sell, but original retail was $7500. Patron en Lalique
Not worth it to me. I can get a full shelf or two of fabulous bottles paying that much money. Tequila popularity in US is just getting started. Plus I like to drink it. And Patron is overrated.
Not worth it to me. I can get a full shelf or two of fabulous bottles paying that much money. Tequila popularity in US is just getting started. Plus I like to drink it. And Patron is overrated.
Yeah I agree. I wish we could get rid of it but it’ll be another couple years before it happens I would guess
If you haven't said anything about ending rivalries, it is because you have no idea what this is about, and you are pettily pestering on some trite stray fact that you don't understand in itself or in context.

If you are concerned with preserving tradition, you should approve the thrust of what I am saying. And if you think my trolling the AL-Aub game is in anyway offensive, that is highly questionable. I say it is because you are staring at one twig and hardly see the tree, much less the forest.

And you never provided the AL-Aubie game time slot. You simply made a list of all the games played on a 4-day weekend. I stick by my opinion that TSIO is greater than the IroningBored Bowl. So is LSU-AL. And I stick by my opinion that given the same time slot, TSIO would pull bigger viewship numbers. But this is not about that.

This is about you continually harrassing someone calling attention to Saban attempting to slay tradition by ending 2 rivalry games per team in the entire conference. And your response is to spend all night arguing for the 1 rivalry game that Saban wants to keep. That's the context. In order that he by choice -- and by compulsion evert other SEC school -- drop two other rivalry games. The loss of all those rivalry is more important than who plays who on Thanksgiving weekend.
That’s some funny 💩 there.
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