I was in Panama with my army reserves unit. I was stuck on a remote base with not even a radio. There was a phone and you could call the air base at McGee Tyson and get a local number. I called my mom the day after the game still not having heard the score. Normally,I hate spoilers but my mom was so excited to tell me the score that it remains one of the greatest memories of my life. I got to see it on AFN that night and it was fun watching and listening to the announcers who were all Miami and knowing we were about to open a can.I still remember listening to that game on the radio. I’ll never forget that. My sis and I decided to go out and just listen to the GREAT John Ward instead of watching. I remember hanging onto every John’s play by play and cheering over every touchdown. Miami was over confident from the get go.
Still could argue he's the best all around back we've had30 days until it’s Football Time in Tennessee View attachment 663579