Recruiting Football Talk VIII

That is dope. Post it over the course of the year. That would be epic.
I visited Chimney Rock Natiomal Monunent near Scott's Bluff back in 2017 and there is a little trailside cemetery with a grave of a 54 year old woman that had written on it "Tell John I died with my face toward Zion".

That touched my heart...Her surviving family must have been keeping her grave up over the years because it was a newer gravestone. I assumed her last words had been passed down through the years and put on the marker.
RIP money wall & the strip
Freshman year, 2004, a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed engineerVOL was making his debut on campus. Literally first day of classes. Was walking toward the UC. Had never seen so many cute girls. One caught my eye at the money wall. Cha Ching. Well remember the staircase and how the first tread was on a slope? I missed and stumbled forward, backpack displacing forward over my head, creating additional momentum I couldn’t control, sent me stumbling for what seemed 100 feet.

I died inside.
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If any of you guys go through Nebraska and Wyoming there are a ton of awesome Oregon/Mormon/California Trail historic sites along the way. It mostly follows the Platte River all the way across Nebraska to Wyoming and then cuts across Wyoming for hundreds of miles to the famous South Pass.

We stopped at several sites like Chimney Rock and Scott's Bluff and the Guernsey Ruts, then Independence Rock and the Devils Gate.

Those folks amaze me..and it amazes me that you can still see the wagon ruts in so many places.
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i was in Knoxville in June and was walking by where the old UC, book store and money wall used to be and just couldn't believe how hard it was to remember it all...i love the changes they've made on campus. but if you'd of told me in 1995 that all that would be gone in the next 20-25 years i'd of told you you're nuts lol.
Agree. It’s insane how much has changed on campus. It needed it but after having been the same for so long it’s crazy to see the differences. Campus was such a hodgepodge with too many buildings that looked like they were built by the Soviets and now it looks more like a campus that wasn’t occupied during the civil war and did most of its expanding in the worst era of public architecture. I will fight anyone over our Lego library though (I have always loved it).
Just took a job with lots of driving involved. Are there any good UT podcasts? I’m not looking for super rah rah homer ****. I love to hear about stats/analytics that make sense. Would also love analysis from good football minds, not just cousin Steve in grandma’s basement spouting his opinions. I’ve never read a VQ article that makes me think they would have a podcast I’d enjoy.

And if no UT centric podcasts meet above criteria, any general college football pods that you would recommend?


Pate for general cfb.

All things UT related are hit and miss. None of them actually sound good on the radio which you’d think would be rule #1 for a pod but it is what it is.
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Al was middle class Brooklyn Jew. Talked a big game and turned no football background into OL coach for USC, WR coach for the Chargers, HC, GM and then majority owner of the Raiders and even AFL Commissioner. Nobody else conned so many out of so much.
There’s two sentences in this paragraph that correlate

If any of you guys go through Nehrasja and Wyoming there are a ton of awesome Oregon/Mormon/California Trail historic sites along the way. It mostly follows the Platte River all the way across Nebraska to Wyoming and then cuts across Wyoming for hundreds of miles to the famous South Pass.

We stopped at several sites like Chimney Rock and Scott's Bluff and the Guernsey Ruts, then Independence Rock and the Devils Gate.

Those folks amaze me..and it amazes me that you can still see the wagon ruts in so many places.
McGill, was blessed to see the Tetons, Yellowstone, and Glacier this summer. Hiked up to Delta Lake. 🤩 This has been my phone’s wallpaper.

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Of all the new vehicles ive driven, Dodge Hemi has to be the loudest, and most attention getting engine. Again this is for work, I'm not out burnin' tarrs.

Nicest vehicle ive driven are GMC Sierra, Nissan Frontier, Tahoe, and Ford F150 Tremor.

Biggest hunks of crap - Ford edge, BMW sedan, any Hyundai, Kia, Dodge SUV, and any Jeep SUV

Overrated - Jeep Waggoneer, Dodge Challenger

Best overall - '24 Toyota Tacoma

Drove a Tundy, that was super posh. But V6 with Turbo Charged Engine was noisy. When entering or merging into traffic, that 1-2 second delay was hard to get used too.

Also, short beds. What's the point?
I agree on all points. I was all mopar back in the day but you couldn't give me a Chrysler product now.
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