Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I've been on since Gridscape >25 years and I have commented on the Titans maybe 5 times. I don't think that constitutes caring a lot. I even said in my op, that I subconsciously dislike them. I was just responding to another ignorant comment from an inbred bammer.

I am offended when UT fans defend Eddie George or Latham or anyone else who claims in some way to represent the state, taking a shot at UT. Then justifying their defense with "they're Titans" or "it's different bc the NFL is business." Seems like a BS excuse.
What has Eddie George said about UT?
The number I gave you was based on “attendance” not ticket sales

The 10yr average just hurts your cause more except the covid year
It's possible, but I think the data is manipulated bc the same sources that cite 64k last year also claim exactly the same number of people attended each year from 06-14. That's not statistically possible, which means they are releasing either sales as attendance or they are massaging the numbers. Hence my original comment about wanting actual #stuff. But whatever.
And if you pay attention to my posts, you'll see it's not about drafting Vols. Sure, it would be nice if they did, but it's more about drafting smart and not courting controversy.
How about the players they do matter where they are from, not going out of their way to insult most of the people of the state of Tennessee that they are playing for?...that would work..

Latham can kiss my fat ass.
I think they’re just bad, but that we’re still very good.

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