Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I remember the slights after the '95 Citrus Bowl claiming how much better they were than UT and they just had a bad day and UT cheated. I remember his active campaigning against Peyton and for his supposed arch enemy at meatchicken for the heistman? He went out of his way doing local, regional and national interviews promoting Woodson and saying Peyton was just #'s.

I took offense that many overlap fans gave him a pass bc they wanted to support the Titans.
They weren’t even the Titans then so I’m sorry that I fail to see your point from 30 years ago
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Even after a review, with a camera looking straight across the 1st down line, and the refs still get it wrong. It looked like the ball got there to me.

It should have been a 1st down for Wisconsin, but they were stopped short on 4th down and it's bama's ball.
Really? What a shock.
I think what Carthon has done so far is very impressive (apart from Levis and I’ve heard that was more a Vrabel thing, correct me if I’m wrong @peaygolf )

The defense looks to be fast, just not deep yet
If.....Big If.......Levis can be average. He doesn't need to do more than that.......This can be a 10-7 team.
Defense is gonna be really good all year.............If they stay healthy.

Vrabs..........I'll never say anything negative about him because he is a friend, but he was/is "set in his ways." I'll leave it there. :)
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Tulane gonna beat OU and take a little shine off the butt-whoopin' we hand them?
I don't think so but anything can happen. I think I would rather have the shine, but I would also love the 🟩🌊 beating them. Either way, the Okies are going to be pumped for Heupel landing in Norman to beat their asses and ruin their first ever SEC game.

Speaking of which: Tulane has more SEC titles than Oklahoma.
The post I responded to stated that the problem is that coaches (Lane Kiffin) will trot in a third stringer to fake an injury and stop the clock. I'm curious how that is going to happen, unless a coach is dumb enough to plan ahead by getting at least one of his third string defenders stuck on the field against a tempo offense that's gashing them and not substituting.
Any defender can fall down and fake an injury at any time, even before the play starts as in the UNLV video I posted. Therefore a defender need not get stuck on the field when he can fall down at anytime faking an injury. As it is right now, any team can stop TN's uptempo offense at any time with any defender flopping and nothing happens.

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