Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Heup said something on his post-game that stuck in my mind...he said Matthews being back allows then to run their 4 wide now.

I think they have some really good stuff we haven't really seen yet about to happen...Matthews on a safety or a LB is scary.

I wonder if Okie has the balls to do anything different than all the other teams we have seen...just drop everybody and HOPE their front 4-5 can stop or slow our running game.

Venables is a great DC...make no mistake..he has thrown some diabolical schemes at some offenses before and had success....and Nico is in his first season starting.
I’m wondering if one reason we haven’t seen much of Cam Seldon is because of his pass catching ability. He was more of a wide receiver in high school. I’m thinking Tennessee may have been stashing him for this game and highlighting his pass receiving ability’s. 4 wide and Cam on a wheel route.
Heard out is BAD!...wtfudge...Heup said he could have went last week and now he is "questionable"?...

I hope to hell this is gamesmanship.. I have zero confidence in Davis against this DL..
I love our Coach but I don’t believe one word he ever says about injuries.
Was just reminded of a wedding scheduled for Saturday night that my presence is “requested”

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Don’t even know these people. Heinous.
If you're not related or in it, then don't worry about it. Tell your wife you'll go to the next one. If old girl is planning weddings during football season, this marriage is already starting off on the wrong foot. 🫤


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