Recruiting Football Talk VIII

It’s one thing to struggle against a lesser opponent in week 1 when you are still figuring stuff out. It’s another thing to do that three weeks in a row, and that is precisely what Oklahoma has done. It’s not like playing Tennessee is going to suddenly make their offense better.

42-17 Vols
And Tulane's defense was atrocious. Just terrible.
It’s one thing to struggle against a lesser opponent in week 1 when you are still figuring stuff out. It’s another thing to do that three weeks in a row, and that is precisely what Oklahoma has done. It’s not like playing Tennessee is going to suddenly make their offense better.

42-17 Vols
My man
Well here's the tea on this whole game thread debacle. @OGbabyaviVol let @Glitch into the group chat. He keeps sending us Bette Midler risque pictures so @nicksjuzunk muted the group chat. Now he's disappeared. Probably in the mountains somewhere. @ob79 still hasn't muted but isn't helping the situation by pushing @Glitch to offer a draft to the group. @InVOLuntary is watching the chaos and shrugging his shoulders. It's a mess out here. View attachment 678444
It’s not a mess yet. As long as glitch keeps his filthy fingers off the keyboard and does not make a game thread, we are good until Nick finds time to make it. @Glitch remember the deal… If you make a single game thread, you’ll be removed from the super secret group chat.
It’s not a mess yet. As long as glitch keeps his filthy fingers off the keyboard and does not make a game thread, we are good until Nick finds time to make it. @Glitch remember the deal… If you make a single game thread, you’ll be removed from the super secret group chat.
how-dare-you-james-franco (1).gif
That means they probably take our calls from Mincey. I don't blame them. Hopefully Heupel has the foresight to change our calls after the chicken debacle of '22.
Unforseen by many issue with the transfer craze. UK spending a lot of money out of their little pile of NIL to get meh guys from their rivals so they can know what their rivals are gonna do...and STILL getting their azz whipped.
No game thread makes me jittery...
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Ok...enough is enough..If @nicksjuzunk doesn't show up by this afternoon...SOMEBODY needs to do the thing.

I get that he is offense...but something has got to give.'s time we let the goofball give it another go...somebody post a poll.
Ok guy on swain show saying we haven’t played anyone which is true, then says they rank bad in total yds on offense and defense but I guess that reason can’t be bc they played Tennessee, those teams stats suck though he said so yeah that doesn’t matter I guess or the fact we flat out destroyed those teams probably worse then we were supposed too…. That doesn’t matter either

Then he says we’re gonna get stuff Nico hasn’t seen, oks defense is good which I guess if there’s is good then ours is elite but it don’t matter bc we haven’t played anyone and those teams we played have bad stats….. again those teams have bad stat bc they played us

I’m so tired of these high and mighty Oklahoma people I hope we hang 60
On them and their vaunted CBV defense
Ok guy on swain show saying we haven’t played anyone which is true, then says they rank bad in total yds on offense and defense but I guess that reason can’t be bc they played Tennessee, those teams stats suck though he said so yeah that doesn’t matter I guess or the fact we flat out destroyed those teams probably worse then we were supposed too…. That doesn’t matter either

Then he says we’re gonna get stuff Nico hasn’t seen, oks defense is good which I guess if there’s is good then ours is elite but it don’t matter bc we haven’t played anyone and those teams we played have bad stats….. again those teams have bad stat bc they played us

I’m so tired of these high and mighty Oklahoma people I hope we hang 60
On them and their vaunted CBV defense
I hope we do..but Brent Venables is no joke as a defensive savant.
He and every one of you nay-sayers out there will never understand that the incompetence is on purpose. The veneer of incompetence allows the people with ALL the real power to manipulate outcomes.

They can't have a little thing like competitive integrity getting in the way when billions of dollars are at stake.

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