Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Anybody complaining about being the #6 team, beating a top 15 team on the road for the first time since 2006, needs to just hand in their Vol card

For my part, I will never forget 2008-2020.

I will always enjoy wins and program success

Go Vols!
I haven’t complained on here, but I admit that I was old-man grumbling the entire 2nd half. I wanted Heup to crush that team by 1,000, for Heup. I wanted him to rub it in Bob Stoops’ face.

But now that the game is over, Heup called a mature game that limited OU’s chances to win and limited our chances to get a bunch of guys hurt on a dangerous field.
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I don't necessarily enjoy seeing a conservative Heupel offense lol and it kind of sucked that it was so close...but I get it and it was probably the correct tactical decision.

Tennessee hasn't won a game like this since what, 2006? Let's enjoy it. We know Heupel isn't a dummy or a bad play caller. Whatever reasons he had for playing it like this were his and it worked out.


We covered the spread on the road against one of the great programs in the history of the sport

I really don’t understand what folks expected?
Had nothing to do with making them look bad. Had everything to do with a dominant defense and up 3 scores. He’s a smart football coach.
You think if that was Bama he would have called the same game. I hope not. I’m glad we won but if you think that play calling was were it needs to be to win championships then we just disagree. I’m not going to complain anymore but that should have been a shalacken.
Dominating Defense
stopped that nonsense
They carried the day
Them Sooners did pay
Vols are stormin
Poor ole Norman
Nico in charge
Vols livin large
Donte speedin'
Moi impedin'
JP blastin'
Big O mashin
Simmons maulin'
Jermod callin'
Carter tacklin'
Coach G cacklin'
Okies scatter
It don't matter
Tough and gritty
Vols by fiddy
It was conservative and it was obvious at half that was the plan.

I disagreed with it as much as anybody else but the game wasn’t close after 15 min
Oh it 100% was the plan, he was taking what the defense was giving him. And going ultra conservative doesn’t work out well in CFB. We’ve seen it a million times of teams getting their back blown out for 55 minutes just to comeback in the final few minutes. OU was one 2 point conversion from making it a 1 score game with 3 timeouts left

There was 4 straight drives in the 2nd half where we couldn’t sustain a drive and it kept them in it. We were clearly the much better team with much better coaching. But in this sport you gotta put teams away when the opportunity presents itself
You think if that was Bama he would have called the same game. I hope not. I’m glad we won but if you think that play calling was were it needs to be to win championships then we just disagree. I’m not going to complain anymore but that should have been a shalacken.
If our defense was that dominant against Bama, then yes. He doesn’t care how; he just wants to win. This thinking is ridiculous to me. You assess your situation and make calls to win a game. It’s about probabilities. Our football coach knows what he’s doing.

If we need to score more, then he will be more aggressive. Quite simple.

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