Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Anyone that likes him I'd have to ask them if they need a hearing test cause what in the hell is good bout his voice or music?!😂 must not take much to satisfy your eardrums 🤷‍♂️
Having a good voice is not a prerequisite to be a good singer. Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Plant, Bon Scott, Tom Petty, ...
Hawkins wouldn't have done 💩 with another quarter...the only reason any of that happened was because we softened up and sat back in the 4th.

This fool claims to be some football guru film could he not see that? was obvious as hell-o to me.

I don't think Hawkins would have survived much longer as hard as we were hitting him.

Also pissed off we waited so long to start spying him with AC. That would have put a stop to that.
I had an OU fan claim they would have won had Hawkins started. I explained while laughing in his face that if Hawkins would have started our defensive game plan would have been matched up to his strengths and we wouldn't have taken our foot off the gas pedal on offense and our offense went into run the clock mode. As Josh Pate said that was basically a garbage time TD.
Someone on here shared a rumor that Heard was supposed to travel with the team but backed out late in the week. Something about his agent telling him to heal more before playing again. If AP is hinting something this could be true.
There is no way his agent is saying "not playing in huge games against top competition is the best way for you to get drafted high."

And I thought they weren't allowed to have agents still?
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Having a good voice is not a prerequisite to be a good singer. Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Plant, Bon Scott, Tom Petty, ...
Having heard Robert Plant live multiple times, his voice is one of the best I have heard. Up there with Chris Cornell for me personally. Ive only seen a couple hundred bands live, but some big time ones in there and he always impressed.
There is no way his agent is saying "not playing in huge games against top competition is the best way for you to get drafted high."

And I thought they weren't allowed to have agents still?
Why would he travel if he’s in a walking boot and they can only take a limited roster anyways? Rumors on here are just that, rumors
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Pretty cool story bro moment at the MW concert last night that the old heads might enjoy: got to talking with a guy while working the concert and turns out it was Eddie Brown who played safety for the Vols back in the early 70’s. Really nice guy and it was fun to talk with him.
The pride of Guild, Tennessee.
Having heard Robert Plant live multiple times, his voice is one of the best I have heard. Up there with Chris Cornell for me personally. Ive only seen a couple hundred bands live, but some big time ones in there and he always impressed.
A beautiful, little known song from one of Plant's solo records:

Plant was an amazing vocalist, but Cheech's falsetto always reminds me of the '70s man-girl vocal stylings.
There is no way his agent is saying "not playing in huge games against top competition is the best way for you to get drafted high."

And I thought they weren't allowed to have agents still?

I have no clue what was said or if it’s even true. My guess is that if it’s true and Heard was maybe 80% able to play for Oklahoma, maybe his guy told him to just wait until Arkansas and be 100%. Total speculation on my part.

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