Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Don't disagree, I don't like him. I've met him in person. He's not likable in person either. I haven't read him in years. He says in the headline the weak schedule wont matter.
I still take it as passive aggressive. Throwing seeds of doubt when there’s so much else good to talk about.
Thomas. Pili 2nd. Boo likes to hit. Arion Carter smacks fools.
Side note - I'll always wonder how hard Jauan Jennings would've hit people if he played defense.

Will Brooks tackles with good form, but I think thomas is really trying to destroy people, 😂. I think we'll see Boo light someone up when he gets a good chance. Seems like Pili is the best of both worlds so far. . . he uses great form but hits hard at the same time. . .
I don't know. When you play a conference schedule like ours, I think your OOC schedule is less important. JMO
Yeah, I don't think any SEC team will ever have to worry about their odds based on the ooc. . .

They will need to worry a little more about how many points they beat teams by though. . .
No, it was actually Lane. I'm sure.
I’ll defer to your memory versus my old worn out one. Oh, I’ll look it up tomorrow and if I’m wrong, I’ll admit it. At least I’m not that stupid dude that lost and now has to shove a burrito up his hinny. I’ll just be ‘I was wrong’ and no need to violate my private parts. Idiot seeking likes.
The question is if he'll end up the right kind of exposure long-term.

He's clearly a drunkard, albeit a talented one (if you believe his fans, I'll give him benefit of the doubt in this area). Guy needs help. Now facing multiple felonies. On top of past issues, ex: Kid Rock's bar incident. Guy is a real mess, but if he's going to be our mess, wish he'd at least not be a douche person.

Or we could just ride with universally beloved and really good person like Dolly. Her love is unmatched, especially in recent years. Js
He’s a rock star, that drinks too much and causes trouble? That’s your issue with him?

He’s one, in a long, long line of many that came before him.

Love Dolly. She ain’t selling out Neyland for 2 nights.

He’s one of the biggest stars in the world. And that plays. Let it go.

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