Recruiting Football Talk VIII

If that's true...then UNLV are the garbage thieves and liars.

Somebody there better have receipts...surely to goodness if somebody paid the guy, they got receipts and a money trail.

What a mess...if this kid was promised a certain amount of money and that promise was not kept, then I don't blame him for doing this.
If I am going to take sides knowing what little I know, I would take sides with UNLV, that the university and its lawyers met their agreement for they certainly would not open themselves to such a lawsuit knowing how much bad PR that would be for the university and future prospective athletes. Lot of bad PR over a relatively small amount of money.....not worth it.
Isn’t the other side of the story - that he went into coach’s office and demanded more money - also hearsay?
Probably but as in every argument there's his version and there version, when the truth most likely is somewhere in between. All parties could be exaggerating and making themselves look like the victim.
Georgia is 49-2 in the last 51 games…. Two losses to Bammer… 1-2 vs Bammer in that stretch. Last loss vs anyone not named Bammer was 4 years ago vs Florida. But Kalen Deboer leads the gumps and we’ve yet to see that coaching matchup between two behemoth rosters stocked full of Blue Chip after blue chip… I wish they brought back ties for this game.
You can't support NIL and be mad at the UNLV QB. This is the culture money creates. Look at professional players constantly holding out over contract disputes.
They hold out because NFL contracts are not guaranteed. NBA and MLB players do not hold out. If you sign guaranteed contracts, this stuff doesn't really happen. But when you agree to verbal deals and non-guaranteed deals, this is what you get.

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