Recruiting Football Talk VIII

All that is fair enough, but I still disagree. I’m not worried about a jinx, or about UGA’s offense at the talent/schematic level. Carson Beck may have a ceiling, but I’ve seen enough from him and Bobo (and Smart) to be past those questions. As someone else said a few pages up, if Jake Fromm can get to a national championship game, Beck is good enough.

We’ll get a good glimpse of our team on Saturday, but I don’t feel the weight the season like I am used to feeling in big games. It’s a very NFL feeling.

Don’t get me wrong: I understand why people like a larger playoff. But I disagree about it making things harder for teams like UGA and Bama. Top teams will make an 12-team field every year. Last year, one loss kept UGA out. This year, UGA has at least one mulligan and probably two. It helps my team, but hurts the sport (I think).
The champions won't change, but now more teams get more opportunity for excitement. That is a good thing imo. It got pretty lame watching Saban and UGA or Clemson flip a coin.

Any program with a good collective can now plug holes and make a run. Any poorly run program can lose recruits and give their guys fresh opportunities.

All this stuff if we value the athlete is better.
Tennessee is but do you like the conferences now, kids opting out after 4 games, and ticket prices?

The "soul" of college football is gone. It's gone corporate
No, the entire sport is as good as its been in a long time. There is better parity now that there has been in decades. Multiple great games every week. No idea who is going to win it all this year. It's amazing. You isolate a couple negatives and act like they offset the mountain of positives.
No, the entire sport is as good as its been in a long time. There is better parity now that there has been in decades. Multiple great games every week. No idea who is going to win it all this year. It's amazing. You isolate a couple negatives and act like they offset the mountain of positives.
Tennessee is but do you like the conferences now, kids opting out after 4 games, and ticket prices?

The "soul" of college football is gone. It's gone corporate
Players (employees) are empowered that is the opposite of corporate. Ticket prices are market (fans). You can easily go get a UNC ticket right now cause they suck.
No, the entire sport is as good as its been in a long time. There is better parity now that there has been in decades. Multiple great games every week. No idea who is going to win it all this year. It's amazing. You isolate a couple negatives and act like they offset the mountain of positives.
Honestly, I think there’s truth in both of your points.
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“at the expense of the players”… you’re losing me…

Teddy Lehman (7-year NFL vet) says it better than I could in this video (talking about Reggie Bush suing the NCAA and USC) — watch from 1:55:40-1:58:20 and from 2:00:20-2:01:10. [NSFW]
You mean where he prefaced it with not being a lawyer, or knowing whether Reggie has a case (i.e. right to the lawsuit), and admits to building his opinion on whether Bush's actions will have a severely negative effect on the NCAA?

To answer his "I'm not a lawyer" comment, the state and federal courts--all the way up to the SCOTUS--have literally taken the stance that the old way was illegal based on Antitrust law, and has been business at the expense of the student athletes. The NCAA has literally been a collection of University Presidents illegally conspiring to set player salaries to zero while they sell television rights to the product for massive profits. I'm not sure how referencing that discussion chanhes that.

Not sure how 6-8 minutes of two boneheads calling Reggie Bush names changes that fact.

I have to say that the irony in that pod was like quicksand. The entire logic is: "Reggie Bush is SO DAMN SELFISH for doing this! Doesn't he know how this may effect that thing I selfishly love?! I'm not concerned with whether the system he played in was legal/ethical. I'm just worried about how it affects how I watch football."

That podcast calling Reggie a "piece of ****", the US Court system a "piece of ****", and I guess our fair business antitrust laws a "piece of ****"... Giving them the voice to argue your point is probably a huge mistake. (Direct quote: "I don't care about the law of the land...")
Tennessee is but do you like the conferences now, kids opting out after 4 games, and ticket prices?

The "soul" of college football is gone. It's gone corporate
This would not be fun if we sucked and Dooley was running kids off, for example.

I shudder at that thought 😣

Just keep winning.
I cannot figure out who I prefer to win over UGA Bama.

I want a night game against I Meh
IMO, the best outcome is for UGA to win. It puts doubt in the minds of all the Bammers that they could be on the decline. Then we just beat them both to confirm both of their programs are on the decline.
You mean where he prefaced it with not being a lawyer, or knowing whether Reggie has a case (i.e. right to the lawsuit), and admits to building his opinion on whether Bush's actions will have a severely negative effect on the NCAA?

To answer his "I'm not a lawyer" comment, the state and federal courts--all the way up to the SCOTUS--have literally taken the stance that the old way was illegal based on Antitrust law, and has been business at the expense of the student athletes. The NCAA has literally been a collection of University Presidents illegally conspiring to set player salaries to zero while they sell television rights to the product for massive profits. I'm not sure how referencing that discussion chanhes that.

Not sure how 6-8 minutes of two boneheads calling Reggie Bush names changes that fact.

I have to say that the irony in that pod was like quicksand. The entire logic is: "Reggie Bush is SO DAMN SELFISH for doing this! Doesn't he know how this may effect that thing I selfishly love?! I'm not concerned with whether the system he played in was legal/ethical. I'm just worried about how it affects how I watch football."

That podcast calling Reggie a "piece of ****", the US Court system a "piece of ****", and I guess our fair business antitrust laws a "piece of ****"... Giving them the voice to argue your point is probably a huge mistake. (Direct quote: "I don't care about the law of the land...")
Way to totally miss the point. The point isn’t about impacting the way they watch football. His point was that it is a joke (or a “lie”) to refer to this as fighting for justice when Reggie Bush would have given everything he had for the chance to play college football for free.

I am saying that I agree with them, and to say that this system existed “at the expense of the players” is ridiculous.

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