Recruiting Football Talk VIII

It’s only undeniable in comparison to an alternate universe in which they can walk into court and accuse the universities of behaving illegally for offering non-compensated athletic teams as an extracurricular activity.

By any other measure, the “old system” was amazing for the athletes. As Teddy Lehman said, an opportunity these guys dreamed of their whole lives.
That's not the SA's claim. Like I said, the universities can offer amateur intramural sports. The SAs are in court pointing out that dozens of businesses are making huge profits while colluding to cut the athletes out of a fair market that could offer them a share for their work. Again... No one is saying that colleges HAVE to pay athletes to play--just that it's illegal to collude to prevent it.
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That's not the SA's claim. Like I said, the universities can offer amateur intramural sports. The SAs are in court pointing out that dozens of businesses are making huge profits while colluding to cut the athletes out of a fair market that could offer them a share for their work. Again... No one is saying that colleges HAVE to pay athletes to play--just that it's illegal to collude to prevent it.
Yes, I understand that nuance. My point remains the same.
All I i know is I need to somehow clear out my Youtube feed from giving me Okie videos after all the game previews I watched.. We kicked their ass and moving on.
Same. But I'll admit, I'm still looking for those doom-ayses that said OU would beat UT because if Heupel was any good he's be OU's coach.
traveled that many a times when I lived in NC. That is a huge commerce issue.
I-40 was shut down in 2009 due to a rockslide on the night of my wedding.

We got married on Lookout Mountain and went to Asheville afterwards, went north through Greensville or Kingsport and down south I think.

Suffice to say this is a MUCH longer repair.
One of my bros found KY tickets at a somewhat decent price (all things considered these days) and you get dark mode and Spooky Rocky Top, and maybe Boo scores a touchdown.
Out of the blue (no pun intended) my daughter asked if we could go to a Tennessee game at Neyland! She goes to TCU.

TCU has a bye weekend on 11/2.

So she and I are going to be there for the Kentucky game! I’m ecstatic. We’ve already got plane tickets, hotel rooms, rental car and football tickets! Pricey but worth it!
Does a 3 loss UGA team with close win over Kentucky make the playoffs? I don’t think they do. If they lose this weekend the pressure is going to start to build.

I guess my point is that these playoffs feel somewhere in between the nfl and how college used to be.
Hell no. For the same reasons TN would not. They've already seen you lose to the teams you will have to beat. At that point put a big 12 team in just to see something new.
College football is not a grocery store. I’m not sure why that’s a difficult concept.

I don’t need to be lectured about competition law. I understand it, first of all, and secondly, I think it’s beside the point (and, yes, I know some lawyers and judges disagree). Amateur sports are an extracurricular, not a job.

High schools collect gate receipts, games broadcast on TV and streaming sites, etc., too. Not on the same scale, but it’s the same concept in principle as college football, unlike grocery stores. So why don’t you explain to me why middle school athletic departments aren’t violating child labor laws?
Give me a middle school who’s part of generating hundred of thousands in marketing/broadcasting fees and I’d equate the conversations. I understand the spirit of your argument, but it’s not based in modern day reality. Fact of the matter, the NCAA was formed because President Teddy was a fan of the new sport but not of the mortality rates from unregulated play like the Flying Wedge. It needed structure, rules and organization and safety was it’s INITIAL purpose. Early days standout players could accept money/gifts from players/fans/lil shops etc during the season and barnstorm during the offseason. Money and marketing got bigger and TV/radio rights entered the discussion and suddenly the NCAA branched out into this “guardian of altruistic amateurism” for an increasingly larger FEE. Reached the point where they would threaten an athlete’s eligibility for trite matters as a CHARITY calendar! They’re getting called for their longstanding BS and I’m here for it. The market runs itself and business is good.
No, the entire sport is as good as its been in a long time. There is better parity now that there has been in decades. Multiple great games every week. No idea who is going to win it all this year. It's amazing. You isolate a couple negatives and act like they offset the mountain of positives.

This is actually a great perspective and I'm going to keep it in mind. I don't like the transfers and opting out obviously but there's still soul in college football. Those are the minority, not the majority. I think about a player like Knecht. He felt like a 1 year rental but he seems to love the University as much as a guy that was here 4 years and played prior to any NIL. Kids have to do what's in their best interests financially but that doesn't mean they don't bleed orange. There will be some guys that ditch us like a used napkin but I'll just focus on the good ones.
Give me a middle school who’s part of generating hundred of thousands in marketing/broadcasting fees and I’d equate the conversations. I understand the spirit of your argument, but it’s not based in modern day reality. Fact of the matter, the NCAA was formed because President Teddy was a fan of the new sport but not of the mortality rates from unregulated play like the Flying Wedge. It needed structure, rules and organization and safety was it’s INITIAL purpose. Early days standout players could accept money/gifts from players/fans/lil shops etc during the season and barnstorm during the offseason. Money and marketing got bigger and TV/radio rights entered the discussion and suddenly the NCAA branched out into this “guardian of altruistic amateurism” for an increasingly larger FEE. Reached the point where they would threaten an athlete’s eligibility for trite matters as a CHARITY calendar! They’re getting called for their longstanding BS and I’m here for it. The market runs itself and business is good.
Who knows where the “market” ends up, since these universities are funded with taxpayer dollars… but putting aside those dynamics, the “market” would probably end up with a handful of schools that would actually would have an appetite to actually participate in paying competitively bid salaries for athletes, and even then it would be limited to football, basketball and maybe some baseball or hockey or something, and those schools would cut all of their other sports, including all women’s sports. All other schools would be desperately trying to figure out how they could form an “amateur” league with other schools where they are not trying to do this professional sports model but just have normal school teams, like high schools do… and like the NCAA.

(That’s probably not exactly how it would turn out… I’m just trying to cast a general vision.)
I-40 was shut down in 2009 due to a rockslide on the night of my wedding.

We got married on Lookout Mountain and went to Asheville afterwards, went north through Greensville or Kingsport and down south I think.

Suffice to say this is a MUCH longer repair.
Likely came up I26 to I81. This I40 shut down and I26 is now underwater in NC and TN in multiple spots. Basically can't get into Western NC right now.

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