Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Give me a middle school who’s part of generating hundred of thousands in marketing/broadcasting fees and I’d equate the conversations. I understand the spirit of your argument, but it’s not based in modern day reality. Fact of the matter, the NCAA was formed because President Teddy was a fan of the new sport but not of the mortality rates from unregulated play like the Flying Wedge. It needed structure, rules and organization and safety was it’s INITIAL purpose. Early days standout players could accept money/gifts from players/fans/lil shops etc during the season and barnstorm during the offseason. Money and marketing got bigger and TV/radio rights entered the discussion and suddenly the NCAA branched out into this “guardian of altruistic amateurism” for an increasingly larger FEE. Reached the point where they would threaten an athlete’s eligibility for trite matters as a CHARITY calendar! They’re getting called for their longstanding BS and I’m here for it. The market runs itself and business is good.
Many folks don't understand that the NCAA's greed caused lots of these issues they hate right now. Like the kids sitting out for more money elsewhere. The NCAA's rules sent the market into an underground black market where verbal deals were made with no contract, thus little recourse for either side.

Bring that market into the daylight with genuine negotiations, contracts and recourse for all parties, and a lot of this crap works its way out.
This is actually a great perspective and I'm going to keep it in mind. I don't like the transfers and opting out obviously but there's still soul in college football. Those are the minority, not the majority. I think about a player like Knecht. He felt like a 1 year rental but he seems to love the University as much as a guy that was here 4 years and played prior to any NIL. Kids have to do what's in their best interests financially but that doesn't mean they don't bleed orange. There will be some guys that ditch us like a used napkin but I'll just focus on the good ones.
Many folks don't understand that the NCAA's greed caused lots of these issues they hate right now. Like the kids sitting out for more money elsewhere. The NCAA's rules sent the market into an underground black market where verbal deals were made with no contract, thus little recourse for either side.

Bring that market into the daylight with genuine negotiations, contracts and recourse for all parties, and a lot of this crap works its way out.
This is actually a great perspective and I'm going to keep it in mind. I don't like the transfers and opting out obviously but there's still soul in college football. Those are the minority, not the majority. I think about a player like Knecht. He felt like a 1 year rental but he seems to love the University as much as a guy that was here 4 years and played prior to any NIL. Kids have to do what's in their best interests financially but that doesn't mean they don't bleed orange. There will be some guys that ditch us like a used napkin but I'll just focus on the good ones.
Nearly the entire UT football team is another great example. You know they're in the NIL, but they also love the university, coaches and one another.
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For reference:

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
| Player    | 2023 Grade | 2023 Snaps | 2022 Grade | 2022 Snaps |
| --------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| Bru McCoy | 69.8       | 231        | 66.6       | 790        |
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I don't begrudge the players making money, but I do hate what this has become. They finally pushed us to the breaking point and we will not be renewing our season tickets...for $8k. Just no.

This is football. Not philanthropy. Not saving lives. Not building hospitals. Not feeding the hungry. Not providing shelter. Football.

The shark has been jumped.
I don't begrudge the players making money, but I do hate what this has become. They finally pushed us to the breaking point and we will not be renewing our season tickets...for $8k. Just no.

This is football. Not philanthropy. Not saving lives. Not building hospitals. Not feeding the hungry. Not providing shelter. Football.

The shark has been jumped.
I'm not paying it.
I don't begrudge the players making money, but I do hate what this has become. They finally pushed us to the breaking point and we will not be renewing our season tickets...for $8k. Just no.

This is football. Not philanthropy. Not saving lives. Not building hospitals. Not feeding the hungry. Not providing shelter. Football.

The shark has been jumped.
And if the product sucked they'd go empty. Instead you just helped some of the 20k people on a wait list.
I-40 was shut down in 2009 due to a rockslide on the night of my wedding.

We got married on Lookout Mountain and went to Asheville afterwards, went north through Greensville or Kingsport and down south I think.

Suffice to say this is a MUCH longer repair.
they will probably use the west bound side for east bound as well..probably one lane each way, but maybe they can use shoulder for extra lanes..that is if the west bound side isnt damaged. Still be backed up for miles each way. Surprised no traffic went over the cliff.
they will probably use the west bound side for east bound as well..probably one lane each way, but maybe they can use shoulder for extra lanes..that is if the west bound side isnt damaged. Still be backed up for miles each way. Surprised no traffic went over the cliff.
It will be like when they had the big rock slide.
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And if the product sucked they'd go empty. Instead you just helped some of the 20k people on a wait list.
How many people are able to pay 8K for season tickets? Who is going to be going to those games? At that rate, I'll mostly be sitting on my couch rooting on my beloved vols.
Hey, it's been a while. Hope you're well.

Yah. I agree, as I said in the post some took issue with. This is messy right now, but I think that it's a mess we need to deal with until the market finds its equilibrium. T

To be honest, I don't like its current state, but geez... I don't see how anyone can argue against the idea that the NCAA's collusion was at the expense of the athletes when considering what a free(er) market would have offered. I mean, all one has to do is look at what the athletes are getting right now, since the NIL rules have been made ineffective. "At the expense of..." is a pretty clear concept.

We are on same page. But only way I can see it stabilizing is if new recruits have to commit to a school for 3 to 4 years to get the big dollars. Make it a contract issue.

But then we will have payout issues with injuries, by contract.
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