Recruiting Football Talk VIII

You should have cared decades ago when it stopped existing. Billions of dollars pouring into a sport eliminates any claim of amateurism. One sided amateurism isn't amateurism.
You’re not really understanding my point. I’m not saying I care about amateurism in college football, per se. I’m saying I care about amateur sports continuing to exist. And yes, it ties into college football because college sports is the lifeblood of amateur sports generally in this country.

But I don’t care about “keeping these football players down” or “making administrators rich.” You guys are missing the point. I think there should be a place in this world for amateur sports as we have always known them. I think there should be a robust environment for women’s soccer to flourish, for Olympic sports, softball, etc. None of these things are viable in a world where everyone decides that the football players should get to keep all the gate receipts and TV money. There is a place for that, and it’s professional football. School sports shouldn’t have to be that way. You don’t want to play, don’t play.
Many folks don't understand that the NCAA's greed caused lots of these issues they hate right now. Like the kids sitting out for more money elsewhere. The NCAA's rules sent the market into an underground black market where verbal deals were made with no contract, thus little recourse for either side.

Bring that market into the daylight with genuine negotiations, contracts and recourse for all parties, and a lot of this crap works its way out.
Ding ding ding!!!!
You’re not really understanding my point. I’m not saying I care about amateurism in college football, per se. I’m saying I care about amateur sports continuing to exist. And yes, it ties into college football because college sports is the lifeblood of amateur sports generally in this country.

But I don’t care about “keeping these football players down” or “making administrators rich.” You guys are missing the point. I think there should be a place in this world for amateur sports as we have always known them. I think there should be a robust environment for women’s soccer to flourish, for Olympic sports, softball, etc. None of these things are viable in a world where everyone decides that the football players should get to keep all the gate receipts and TV money. There is a place for that, and it’s professional football. School sports shouldn’t have to be that way. You don’t want to play, don’t play.
Who's arguing for that?

And, as mentioned, the same holds true for Universities... "You don't want to pay, don't pay". You just don't get to collude as member institutions to prevent a university from paying athletes.
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Many folks don't understand that the NCAA's greed caused lots of these issues they hate right now. Like the kids sitting out for more money elsewhere. The NCAA's rules sent the market into an underground black market where verbal deals were made with no contract, thus little recourse for either side.

Bring that market into the daylight with genuine negotiations, contracts and recourse for all parties, and a lot of this crap works its way out.
The NCAA, or the schools?

You were just saying a few posts back to stop thinking of the NCAA as its own organism and think of it as an association of the schools, so just clarifying…
Came out of his Monday presser, I think.
No, I watched the presser. Heup was asked and answered about Dayne Davis and Larry Johnson. Then about the status of Heard and Campbell. Then a second question about Johnson. There was no mention of Perry and Warren. @johnfnkelly is right that it was VQ. Someone else also verified VQ.

I don't know if someone asked about Perry and Warren by name or whether AP initiated the remark on his own, being more thorough and including the 3s.
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The NCAA, or the schools?

You were just saying a few posts back to stop thinking of the NCAA as its own organism and think of it as an association of the schools, so just clarifying…
Both. The NCAA is the collusion/enforcement arm of the member institutions. I'm referring to all of the institutions by the name of their organization.

But even that is a misnomer, as many of the institutions would probably like to pay players. Notably, probably many in the power 4 conferences. Generally, there are two groups that are against paying players--a few blue blood power 4 schools that have created competitive advantages by paying players under the table, and they don't want that parity--and smaller conference schools who could not afford the market and would never be competitive in it.

That's why we'll likely see a break of larger conferences from the NCAA. We're already seeing movement toward that. You may get what you want. A new org of college sports that is paying players, and smaller schools in the NCAA paying them a pittance, effectively keeping more amateurish feel. You could happily follow that division.
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100,000 seats times $80 average ticket (low estimate) times 7 games is $56 million. That is roughly 25% of the revenue brought in last year. That’s definitely noticeable.
One needs to factor in also that "donations" are typically required for the right to buy tickets.
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You should have cared decades ago when it stopped existing. Billions of dollars pouring into a sport eliminates any claim of amateurism. One sided amateurism isn't amateurism.
Exactly. I just can't understand how fans don't grasp the reality of the situation. You can't just force amateurism into a market that generates billions of dollars because you prefer it that way. Just because it was unfairly set up that way for decades does not mean it should stay that way. Where does the billions of dollars go if not to the individuals that generate the revenue? Are we arguing for socialism in the sports marketplace for some reason? Should athletes that fans are willing to spend money to watch choose to do it for free for some logical reason? That's an honest question. Why? I pay when I go to the doctor. Should that money go to the hospital but the doctor perform the service without being paid? Oh because they are currently in school during this time. Then when I pay that college student who delivered by pizza that money should all go to Domino's Pizza and the delivery driver should perform his service for free. It's just not logical no matter how much we enjoyed the system for the last 100 years.
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Out of the blue (no pun intended) my daughter asked if we could go to a Tennessee game at Neyland! She goes to TCU.

TCU has a bye weekend on 11/2.

So she and I are going to be there for the Kentucky game! I’m ecstatic. We’ve already got plane tickets, hotel rooms, rental car and football tickets! Pricey but worth it!
💥Boom! Represent!
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I know you’re busy this week with the BIG game this week, but can I ask you to give a tutorial to other fanbases on how to go on a rival fanbase board on how to act. Gators need it. I won’t like any of your posts, that’s not how we do things.
Just cause we hate each other doesn’t mean we have to act like it.
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No, I watched the presser. Heup was asked and answered about Dayne Davis and Larry Johnson. Then about the status of Heard and Campbell. Then a second question about Johnson. There was no mention of Perry and Warren. @johnfnkelly is right that it was VQ. Someone else also verified VQ.

I don't know if someone asked about Perry and Warren by name or whether AP initiated the remark on his own, being more thorough and including the 3s.
I believe it was his Wednesday presser then.

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