Recruiting Football Talk VIII

It was a free play with the offsides. His contact necessitated the play being blown dead. Saved us an explosive touchdown.

It didn't negate the offsides..but it immediately killed the free play bomb for them because as soon as he touched him the play was whistled dead.. was brilliant.

It made the play dead instead of it being free play with a shot at the endzone.
Thanks for the clarifications. It makes sense now.
It was also simultaneous, so the posters point is null. McCoy just messed up lol
Now I’m confused again.
I’m puffing one now! No really, I’ve worked the sh!t jobs in my life, but I was taught to do better whatever job I was in. It started when I was in high school, back when your boss could call your parents and let them know you weren’t performing to their expectations. Great times 😒.
im appreciative of people who work, any job. I meant theyre **** jobs because of how they're treated. but folks do have a choice.
im appreciative of people who work, any job. I meant theyre **** jobs because of how they're treated. but folks do have a choice.
I can only go by my experiences with crap jobs. Now, I hope someone is in their ear to do better, but we’ve all been there.

Now, I’m going to go watch the Miami/VT game. Good one 😂

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