Recruiting Football Talk VIII

We’ll likely still need to have someone else there

Will Brooks (smart kid and can be Swiss Army knife),

This is like hearing about some QB, and the first descriptor is how “intelligent” he is.
I don’t care how smart he is… can he “throw the damn football”?

Tell me Will Brooks is “strong enough and fast enough” to play.

Anything but “he’s like, really smart” 😞
First time in 40 years USA hasn't won Gold in Men's 4×100 relay in swimming.

China wins the Gold
USA Silver
France Bronze.
Dirty fuggin chinamen… clouding up the pool with their doped up blood.

And it’s not even a secret. Everyone knows they’re dirty - and the IOC & WADA didn’t do a damn thing.
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He's a rare mix of obnoxiously arrogant but super intelligent sounding. Usually it's one or the other. I try to hate him because I can't stand arrogance, but that big smile and energy is hard to hate.

Peyton said in the opening ceremony something to the effect of “it’s not cockiness if you can back it up” after they interviewed him.

Well, he backed it up.
Current QB run:
2023 - 5*
2024 - high 4*
2025 - 5*
2026 - 5*

Just within a window of 4-5 years - what programs have recruited at this level?

My first thought is 2000s USC for sure.

Maybe peak Miami?

Clemson OSU and Texas recently have had great runs too.

But what Heupel is putting together is right up there. Add a 4th 5* in 2027 (4 in 5 years) and imo it's the greatest ever...again just from a recruiting perspective.

Now we just have to go out and actually play ball...the easy part 😏
It's why Meatchicken hired him. They knew it was coming.
Watershed moment for the NCAA…especially after the Michigan water they carried last year. Coverups and lying has always been that line you can’t cross with them (SMU and Bruce Pearl two examples). If they let Michigan skate or ride light on this one they prove their only function is to cost every university $20 mil through their eff ups.
The results of the "investigation" just happened to take long enough to let them win a NC. Will it be forced to be vacated? I doubt it.
Michigan also knew the investigation was going on and hired one of the main guys implicated in it…. I doubt anything of significance happens to any of them. Probably a show cause stating that they are not allowed to buy tickets in other teams stadiums.
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Peyton said in the opening ceremony something to the effect of “it’s not cockiness if you can back it up” after they interviewed him.

Well, he backed it up.
It's still cockiness even if you can back it up. The definition of cocky and arrogant have nothing to do with whether or not it's true.
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HGH make your head and hands grow. When your body stops producing natural HGH you stop growing, when you take HGH your stuff starts growing again.
Why’s Sylvester Stallone’s noggin normal size? And for the subject of BARRY BONDS? It was established that he was using BALCO’s designer STEROIDS. So connect the dots on his steroid inflated heeed.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

At least GWB landed on a popular J Cole track

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