Recruiting Football Talk VIII

HGH make your head and hands grow. When your body stops producing natural HGH you stop growing, when you take HGH your stuff starts growing again.
Read an article some time ago that was discussing that too much HGH makes basically everything keep growing, That's why bodybuilders get fat faces and "HGH gut" where they cut down to super-low body fat and still look pregnant. It's because their organs are getting bigger.
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This is like hearing about some QB, and the first descriptor is how “intelligent” he is.
I don’t care how smart he is… can he “throw the damn football”?

Tell me Will Brooks is “strong enough and fast enough” to play.

Anything but “he’s like, really smart” 😞
Offenses and defense are complex. Give me a dumb-*** with a great arm, and you're giving me an interception machine.
Watershed moment for the NCAA…especially after the Michigan water they carried last year. Coverups and lying has always been that line you can’t cross with them (SMU and Bruce Pearl two examples). If they let Michigan skate or ride light on this one they prove their only function is to cost every university $20 mil through their eff ups.
They pick and choose when lying is a line that you can’t cross…. Look at the Frank Haith situation.
Read an article some time ago that was discussing that too much HGH makes basically everything keep growing, That's why bodybuilders get fat faces and "HGH gut" where they cut down to super-low body fat and still look pregnant. It's because their organs are getting bigger.
They would also get taller if not for their growth plates being dried up.
Yet Harbaugh gets to walk.
Why do you think he ran to the NFL? Remember, Harbaugh has been flirting with the NFL ever since 2020. Ironically, that’s the year he got busted for recruiting violations. He has been cheating for 3 years and he knew he was gonna get caught. So he ran. It wasn’t a money issue. Michigan was gonna make him the highest paid coach in the nation.

He is a lying, cheating scumbag.
Bugs Bunny won't accept files through Google Drive.

He'll only take a WhatsApp doc.
They pick and choose when lying is a line that you can’t cross…. Look at the Frank Haith situation.
That was when their existence and purpose wasn’t being called into question and their investigators messed up. They had to back off. Also Miami didn’t have a three year lead-in of violations. As I stated previously, They “pick and choose” not to act on this in-the-face and they activate their death knell.
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I don’t know what Sly did but I do know the effects of PEDs, I was surrounded by them for years. HGH will most definitely cause head and extremity growth. Anabolic steroids most most significant harm is to joints.
Been a frequent user of HGH since his Copland days. Hasn’t altered his bean in the least.
Why do I feel like they’d start Brooks at ss and move the other thomas to star before they’d start a freshman, at least Week 1
Believe me Boo is the real deal. I saw him as freshman in HS. He would have held is own in the SEC then. Freak
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Add Jim Tressell in there, who didn't even lie, just failed to report. It's just arbitrary.
It was pretty public and there was perceived deceit involved. So they were forced to action against a favorite son. Similar (if way more egregious) allegations here.
Been a frequent user of HGH since his Copland days. Hasn’t altered his bean in the least.
The effects are different for different people. Just like someone can smoke for seventy years and never get lung cancer while someone else is dead of cancer at thirty-five.
I thought the Jamaica dude won. So did he, apparently.
Cause NBC wasn't showing an angle down the line haha. I thought he won too, and Fred 2nd,Lyles 3rd. But the angle favored the far lanes, when they replayed it you could see it much better. I was so irritated at first I thought the Jamaican won for sure.
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