Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Rewatching some of the VT Miami game. They got screwed. Man, wouldn’t it be nice to be one of those teams that just gets the calls? Ya know, some teams the refs really “like” em or something

Call after phantom call
I consider myself as big of a Vols fan as anyone, and I’ll always watch them,

But this is a big reason I just don’t care to watch any other games. This is just bad for fans in general. I didn’t care who won that game, a true neutral, but I can’t watch this officiating. There really needs to be a neutral ref in the booth to help this crap
Hey did y'all know that AR Goals now come with 8 different ****ing genres?!

Yes! Do we really not have enough horse **** busy work we force these kids to hate school with, now they HAVE to read folktales?

get off my lawn yoo stoopit sumbitches!
Every time I see the word "Lager" I think of Durty Nelly's in the 90s. Used to stock South Paw on tap, but labeled it Gruetli-Laager Lager. People drank it down like it was the finest micro brew before micro brews were a thing. lol

I drank a lot of Southpaw at UT. Was pretty affordable compared to the rest. Don’t think I’ve had it since then.
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