Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Possible #1 vs #2 game in Knoxville on October 19th.

Alabama goes to Vandy and host S.C. favored big in both most likely.
Tennessee goes to Arkansas and host Florida favored big in BOTH and yes I said favored big vs Florida for you non believers.

Ohio State host Iowa next weekend favored big and then travel to Oregon they will take a L in Eugene.

Texas plays Oklahoma in 2 weeks if Texas is going to lose before the game vs Georgia this is the one. I know some will say Texas blows OU away, well this game has been more unpredictable than any game over last 20 years.

So #1 Alabama vs #2 Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee at 7:30 p.m. on October 19th.

Will determine what team will be #1 when CFP rankings are revealed.

Just for @Weezer
10/19 is such a big weekend. Vols hosting Bama and then UGA playing at Texas that day as well. Can’t wait 😆
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he doesn't play in the field. judge plays 162 games in the field and still does that.
Judge has played 26% of this seasons games as a dh.
70% of his homeruns are only homers in 1 stadium, Yankee stadium. This years best player imo is Bobby Witt jr.
332 average , 125 runs, 45 doubles,11triples,32 hr,109 rbis, 31sb.
Also playing ss 159 games where’s has a 12 fielding value which is tied for the top at ss. Judge is a -3 for cf which is 22nd among center fielders in baseball.
Happy Sunday

September 29, 2024: A call goes out to those who truly trust in God and fulfill his purposes on the earth. God will bless those who wholeheartedly live a life of truth and righteousness; those who will represent honesty, justice and innocence in word and deed. Come, and allow your life to be an example of God's goodness. Jeremiah 17:7-8 But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Hate bammer won but love UGA lost. We seen what they both have and we can get them both.
When UGA got that long TD to go up, I cackled like a madman. Then when Bama got that long TD to go up, I cackled like a madman. The wife asked, "Who are you pulling for?"

"Baby, I'm just here to enjoy both teams' suffering."

The surrender cobras were out in full force for both fanbases last night and it was awesome.

Judge has played 26% of this seasons games as a dh.
70% of his homeruns are only homers in 1 stadium, Yankee stadium. This years best player imo is Bobby Witt jr.
332 average , 125 runs, 45 doubles,11triples,32 hr,109 rbis, 31sb.
Also playing ss 159 games where’s has a 12 fielding value which is tied for the top at ss. Judge is a -3 for cf which is 22nd among center fielders in baseball.
sounds like Dodger jibberish to me.
Guys and Gal

The devastation in Erwin and Asheville is truly other worldly.

I know we all have financial demands, and if you arent part of this community you may not feel a sense of attachment.


The areas impacted by this flooding, are generally not well to do. Therefore, loss od property as well as the places work is going to impact them for years.

We gave because it truly is a disaster. Samaritans Purse is based in Boone. They are offering a local response to both areas.

Not a guilt trip. Give what you can, if you feel compelled. Just know, what is being reported is true, and probably worse.

There are towns in NC that no longer exist:
Man, Inky is an underrated ambassador for this University and just being a man in general. Inky for President!
The other day, one of the X-Ray techs asked me about Inky.
Her son showed her a clip of one of his speeches. Said that her son’s teacher had them watch it and it truly made an impact on her son.

Then she said that as soon as she heard that he played for Tennessee that I would know all about him. 🤠

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