Recruiting Football Talk VIII

No. It was simple as turning it on and logging on using the app. Initial setup was easy. It only has three parts, the sat antenna, the modem/router, and a cable to hook them together. Turn it on and it scans the sky for the satellites. Boom, you've got 100mbs internet. It's very portable.

Edit: and turning it on and off is as easy as a slide button of the app.
Does it require cell service to connect the app to the hardware?
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My mom passed away tonight. She finally submitted to dementia. I’m almost 48 years old and somehow I just feel like a sad kid inside.
I'm so sorry, I'm 48 as well, watched both grandparents go through that 12 years ago. I wish only peace and comfort for you. It's rough to watch the people you once knew become a shell of themselves but remember they are now whole again.

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