Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Response, or lack thereof, could be a major black eye for administration in an election year. This isn't what they want in the headlines. It reminds everyone that the job of president occasionally requires strong leadership.
That ship sailed many moons ago, hasn't been strong leadership in many years..
Perhaps we should be listening to God. Everything happens for a reason and according to his plan.
Perhaps you should. I can meet you in the off topic forum and we can swap scriptures if you'd like. This isn't the time or the place.

For now, I'll just point out that you sound a lot like the Pharisees that saw everything as an act of God's judgment against sin, and Jesus had to correct them. Don't be a Pharisee.
I think Florida waited to fire head coach until after 4/5 games to avoid a lot of their team redshirting
Right. Anything other would be dumb. Further, I think they want Billy to run this gauntlet of a season instead of throwing an interim into that fire with new demands for that guy to be fired too. AD and Admin don't want to eat the blame for what is about to happen. Want it all on Billy.
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Squirrel has had trouble staying on his feet. There have been several catches that he has made that if he doesn't dive or jump to make the catch and instead just uses his hands he would still be running
As I said in the last game thread, it seems like a habit he got into and needs to break. I don't see any reason why he can't. Needs to trust the ball will be in the right place. I even think he made some of Joe's throws look way more overthrown than they were by doing this last year. After slowing, he couldn't make up the ground sprinting. I think he'll fix it.
It’s absolutely embarrassing that the best presidential candidates that the USA can come up with are running for president in November. It’s really a sad commentary on the state of our country.

Some would call that Nega.
Some would call that Realism.
It just makes me sad.

Am I on your ignore list now? 😎
It makes me want to run...

to the bathroom to vomit.
Generally I think he offers good insights outside of UGA but I find his pronunciation annoying. I’m not sure why but it just hurts my ears.
I had to pause it, but so far I think he does a good job of showing some ways DeBoer schemed a way to overwhelm the edges.

I don't think it's so much bruh's pronounciation (although that might irk me too now) as it is the general know-it-all tone and vibe he gives off and the rhetorical questions he asks himself and his off-camera sidekicks. I couldn't be angry at him for mocking Georgia fans complaining about the edge, though. 😂 I have respect for what he is able to point out.

I watched him prior to our Arkansas game. He previewed that with some knowledgeable bits. Venables added so many new wrinkles for our game that, in retrospect, it was more like looking at what most people expected Venables to do, iirc. But it was a good show with substance, which I appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing his take on how Kirby adjusted.
Just to be clear, one can pause/unpause Starlink without a secondary source of internet. Your phone will connect to the router through its wifi and then it communicates to the satellites and allows you to resume service. You will get charged for a month irregardless (he, he) of what portion of the month you use. It would be ideal if you had no communication means ie, cell phones, land based internet, or land lines.

I saw on Facebook where Starlink is setting up wifi hubs around Asheville.
Hot Take: I’d almost throw Matthews out there on Saturday ahead of Squirrel and see how he handles it. Get him ready for SEC ball. Not been impressed with Squirrel for a good while now. He’s certainly capable but he’s been just ok. But what does AT&T say…. Just ok is not ok.
He’s a different level whenever he/his body gains trust of the coaching staff…hopefully soon or immediately. He’s a reason you win games. Would love for him to take over punt returns before he becomes too integral. Long term I think PWO Braylon Harmon is our return ace. Lot of positive word of mouth.
I has the confuseds. When retirees say 'wifi' that can mean any number of things. It could mean the internet on their 'Iphone', since presumably that's what their children set up and have spent 5 years teaching them to make a phone call with.

Or, Wifi, can mean the internet at home. The internet they have to call and have tech support fix anytime the modem (thing with blinky lights) needs to be turned off and on.

Wi-Fi, to me is warrliss innernet. If you're using an app, i'm nor sure how the Starlink app communicates to their servers. Essentially does it require data connection to set itself up? Which to me seems redundant.

You probably have a better grasp of this than I do. So, for seeming ageist, and that I know better you have my sincerest my bads. That said, dinner is at 4.
I anticipate it works like WiFi on a plane, connecting you to login and dropping you if you don’t complete the process.

It probably connects to the satellites, then uses that connection to log you in. No credentials? They drop you.
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I have a similar story. My grandmother, who is the matriarch of the family, has congestive heart failure at 94 years old. They don't think she'll make it past October (diagnosis back in July and May of 23). She is still strong and kicking. She grew up in Wisconsin and is a huge Packers fan. Despite myself being a Bear fan, I am hoping the Packers win it all for her. She has lived such a full life. My grandfather passed about 20 years ago but I think she knew that everyone relied so much on her that she decided to hang around. Everyone has came to terms with her condition but she worries how hard I will take it when she passes. Even though I am a grandkid, she pretty much raised me. We drive from Mississippi every year to Wisconsin to see her. I'm just hoping I get to see her one last time around the holiday season. I've been trying to go see her twice a year and did go up in July. Point of the story is that despite those that we care about so much dealing with serious situations, it's still heartwarming to see how much they care about others and their interests like sports teams. It gives us even more to remember them by.


P.S. I generally don't get too personal on here. But if any of you bastages bring up that ol' sarge is a softy, I'll deny it!
Mum’s the word. Had a strong grandmother who’s never been replaced after she passed at age 96. I get cringe guilt that her final years were in an assisted living facility. Loved Shoney’s strawberry pie and I would sneak a whole into the joint and let her enjoy.
Damn I hope they play off deep zone against us
Take 7-12 yards all the way down the field
I think you will see them definitely drop eight, they did to us a lot in 22. I don't think they have the horses to be as effective at that this year. I don't believe that they will be able to get consistent pressure with three and our running game is stronger. Nico poses the same problem as Milroe but the passing game is more of a threat with Nico.
Probably to get an idea of what help/aid should be approved.
The last think I’d want is a politician with no disaster response expertise making decisions based on a 2 hour tour.

This is why we have FEMA and other organizations. Let the experts tell you what is needed and then work like hell to approve that.

Of course, some people want to get rid of FEMA and some other federal agencies that are key during disaster reliefs.

Boggles my mind.
The last think I’d want is a politician with no disaster response expertise making decisions based on a 2 hour tour.

This is why we have FEMA and other organizations. Let the experts tell you what is needed and then work like hell to approve that.

Of course, some people want to get rid of FEMA and some other federal agencies that are key during disaster reliefs.

Boggles my mind.

100% agreed, don't waste the resources it takes to bring any politician in. Let them do a brief ad spot on TV instead and use those helicopters and personnel's time much more efficiently to actually help.

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