Recruiting Football Talk VIII

There is a trick to get your starlink quickly
Got mine in 8 days rather than over a year wait
You find on Starlink map where starlink is immediately available
Then search Google earth there
Then you find a valid address of an old abandoned house or anywhere
Order with that as your address and change ship to.... To your home
I did this couple years ago

Git Sum
Best thing I ever did was to purchase Starlink.
As we all know, college football is more than just a game. My dad is in his late 70s, has cancer, and doesn’t have a lot of energy. He typically goes to bed early. I talked to my mom a few days after the Oklahoma win. She said, “Your dad stayed up and watched that whole game THEN he watched all that after talk they do. The next day he watched more of that talk and then a replay of the game.”

I could tell just from what she said it was an important win to him after all these years of disappointment. I’m thankful for that. I did talk to him about it later and he’s obviously excited about the season.
Thanks for sharing. Prayers for your family.
I have a similar story. My grandmother, who is the matriarch of the family, has congestive heart failure at 94 years old. They don't think she'll make it past October (diagnosis back in July and May of 23). She is still strong and kicking. She grew up in Wisconsin and is a huge Packers fan. Despite myself being a Bear fan, I am hoping the Packers win it all for her. She has lived such a full life. My grandfather passed about 20 years ago but I think she knew that everyone relied so much on her that she decided to hang around. Everyone has came to terms with her condition but she worries how hard I will take it when she passes. Even though I am a grandkid, she pretty much raised me. We drive from Mississippi every year to Wisconsin to see her. I'm just hoping I get to see her one last time around the holiday season. I've been trying to go see her twice a year and did go up in July. Point of the story is that despite those that we care about so much dealing with serious situations, it's still heartwarming to see how much they care about others and their interests like sports teams. It gives us even more to remember them by.


P.S. I generally don't get too personal on here. But if any of you bastages bring up that ol' sarge is a softy, I'll deny it!
Whatevs, Softie mod wannabe
Did you know he is only 17 years old!!!!!
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