Recruiting Football Talk VIII

This board melts down with 8-4 record.

16-0 ...🧐
Would hope not. 8-4 is our 2nd most likely landing spot. And Nico's JR year would seem the more natural pinnacle, all-in type of season.

Beating Bama would go a long ways to securing 9-3+ imo.

It's the list of games easy to overlook where the extra loss is most likely to come from...UF, State, Arky, UK, Miss St, etc.

Jmo. But I have upped my optimism over the offseason, now up to 8.9 wins in my simulator. A hell of a schedule though. And we are going to have a target on our back, make no mistake. Hopefully we can beat the odds and beat St and OU, cumulatively b2b coinflips. Then things will start looking righteous.
Paul Harvey....dude coulda been flippin' Gauldens. Gotta know the whole story.
They charged him with indecent exposure. And flipping the Gauldens is not illegal. If they did charge him for that, they're even MORE difficult to defend because they're making up laws.
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