Recruiting Football Talk VIII

My grandmother worked on Little Boy and her birthday was Aug 5th. None of them knew what they'd been working with until the bomb was dropped and telegrams from the War Dept. came in congratulating them on their work. Most of what they learned though came from the news releases that had been carefully crafted to run in every US newspaper at once. I never thought to ask her what it must've been like to be celebrating your birthday with all the other girls at Oak Ridge, only to find out you had a major hand in this. To be happy that the war might be over but then to hear that this bomb might've killed millions (in reality 80,000+ in Hiroshima but the numbers suggested at first were even bigger) must've been incredibly hard to process. They all knew what they were doing was important and for the war but they really had no idea just what they were working on until after the fact.
Wow. Talking to her about that must have been amazing.
Watch the stupid *** Idiot Margin lose their pathetic little minds on Heupel if/when everything doesn't go right and we end up 8-4.

Makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
I expected 9-3 for this season when Heupel was first hired. I've learned my lesson about changing expectations. Still, I wouldn't be on a supreme meltdown @ 8-4, considering the conference additions and the reasons why we ended up there. I think 9-3 should be the bottom expectation for this season.

I think we can realistically get to 11-1 or even 12-0 depending on how a few key players look. I think the most likely record is 9-3 or 10-2.

Either way, you have to have an incredible season to end up with only 2 losses in the SEC now. 9-3 could put you in the playoffs. There's no question, making the playoffs is a successful season. Falling 1 win short @ 8-4 obviously isn't idea, but it's also no call for a meltdown, imo.
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How does China have such good lady boxers? They using some Balco level stuff on these women???
Wow. Talking to her about that must have been amazing.
It was. She would talk about the way they were bussed in and out of areas and how they had to do their work and how it was shielded so they not only didn’t know what the person beside the was doing but they couldn’t see too much of what they themselves were doing. She had worked on conventional bombs at Hercules Powder in Virginia and that’s where she was when she was recruited to go back home to Tennessee. For her, it was all a pretty enjoyable time in her life because despite the war she got to experience being young, free, independent and well paid in an era that normally wouldn’t have allowed for that. But the federal government, DOE and Oak Ridge paid women and black folks a lot better than other jobs. At Oak Ridge they had everything right there, including a movie theater. They had to be granted permission for areas and activities but it was available and the dorms weren’t too bad. And they were bussed in and out of work but they had a lot of fun.

It wasn’t a bad deal at all for a young woman raised on a farm.
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Are you saying you feel the same way? Or the person you tagged does? Not sure I understand.
It's a joke. @InVOLuntary gave Banks a hard time once last year.

I do want to see our defense. I always believed our defense could be great with enough time to get the right talent.

I think our defense could be as exciting as our offense. They've gotten better every year so far. I won't be surprised if we have a top15 defense in the country, maybe even top10. I think that says a lot about my expectations when you think about how good they have to be to put up top15 numbers when the offense is as high-powered as ours.
Sure, with massive injuries. I'm talking from a talent and depth position. Expectations should be 9 regular season. If year 4 ends with 8 wins and no massive injuries occur that's trouble.
I'm not going to say it's trouble, just very disappointing. Never know what a season holds...hell, we could get cheated out of two games, turnovers, etc.

But, yes, I believe, as well, our talent and depth should carry us to definitely 9 to 10 wins. I believe we can piggyback to 9 on Nico alone. While yes, he'll have his moments early of being young, getting fully acclimated, I believe the kid is beyond his years, and as talented as college football as seen in awhile.
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It was. She would talk about the way they were bussed in and out of areas and how they had to do their work and how it was shielded so they not only didn’t know what the person beside the was doing but they couldn’t see too much of what they themselves were doing. She had worked on conventional bombs at Hercules Powder in Virginia and that’s where she was when she was recruited to go back home to Tennessee. For her, it was all a pretty enjoyable time in her life because despite the war she got to experience being young, free, independent and well paid in an era that normally wouldn’t have allowed for that. But the DOJ and Oak Ridge paid women and black folks a lot better than other jobs. At Oak Ridge they had everything right there, including a movie theater. They had to be granted permission for areas and activities but it was available and the dorms weren’t too bad. And they were bussed in and out of work but they had a lot of fun.

It wasn’t a bad deal at all for a young woman raised on a farm.
I'd love to know more of the history of Oak Ridge. I think it would be fascinating to read a bio/book about it.
I'm not going to melt down; but, I will be EXTREMELY disappointed with 8-4. I don't give a sh!t about projections, or what talking heads are saying, or ANY of that bullsh!t. We return 3/5 OL (those 3 have played A LOT of football together), adding a massive 5* LT to it. We're loaded at skill positions and TE. We return a Top 5 DL in the country, with the best pass rusher in ALL the land; and, our LBs are as big, fast, and athletic as we've had in over a decade, with Arion Carter primed to become a star. Secondary has as many bodies with speed, athleticism, and length as we've seen in a very long time. And, our QB is one of the best in the nation, primed to become THE best. I don't care how young he is, the kid is ready...and everyone knows it.

While yes, depth is still not where we want it to be, we're still good to ok into the 2's and 3's at most positions. No, we cant drop like flies everywhere, but i think we can hold up depth wise, if need be...just cant have a disaster with injuries. We just CANNOT let anything happen to #8. That happens, we'll drop off big time!

I'm absolutely expecting to make that playoff, bar none. We are as good or better than at least 10 of those teams in front of us in the coach's poll. Going to be tough going into Athens (we play up to our potential and talent, stay poised, we can hang with them, though, imo); but, every other game, I expect to win, plain and simple.
We’re not going 8-4 unless we get hit with some really unfortunate injury circumstances. I wouldn’t be too concerned about that. The way fall camp is going, staff seams plenty aware of who needs protecting and the teams done enough work in the offseason to have earned those days off. It’s going to be a great season!
It's a joke. @InVOLuntary gave Banks a hard time once last year.

I do want to see our defense. I always believed our defense could be great with enough time to get the right talent.

I think our defense could be as exciting as our offense. They've gotten better every year so far. I won't be surprised if we have a top15 defense in the country, maybe even top10. I think that says a lot about my expectations when you think about how good they have to be to put up top15 numbers when the offense is as high-powered as ours.
Ahh I see now. I think Tim Banks is a fine defensive coordinator, but I have been low on Willie Martinez for a while now. This year we have more talent in the secondary than we ever have so to me it will be really telling as to what Willie can do with some more talented players. My prediction is that we see a big improvement but as long as the secondary doesn’t become an absolute liability I think our DL and LBs will take care of the rest. I absolutely can’t stress enough how excited I am to see our pass rush in action. Last year the pass rush was really good but this year I think it will be game breaking.

Man do I wish we played Mizzou this year.

I hope they make the playoffs just so we can meet them there and hang 60 on their baker-less arses. Clowns gonna get clowned. Just like uscjr did last year when they thought their anomaly win against us meant anything at the end of 2022.
Ahh I see now. I think Tim Banks is a fine defensive coordinator, but I have been low on Willie Martinez for a while now. This year we have more talent in the secondary than we ever have so to me it will be really telling as to what Willie can do with some more talented players. My prediction is that we see a big improvement but as long as the secondary doesn’t become an absolute liability I think our DL and LBs will take care of the rest. I absolutely can’t stress enough how excited I am to see our pass rush in action. Last year the pass rush was really good but this year I think it will be game breaking.
I think our defensive front end is gonna make our secondary look better.

I don't gripe about Martinez much, but he's probably the biggest coaching liability, imo.

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