Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I hope they make the playoffs just so we can meet them there and hang 60 on their baker-less arses. Clowns gonna get clowned. Just like uscjr did last year when they thought their anomaly win against us meant anything at the end of 2022.
I don't think Heupel would slack off on them at all. If it's 93-0 with under :10 play, in think he'd throw a bomb from our own 2yd line.

The gambler in me loves this but even besides that what actual advantages do you get for not saying if a guy is playing or not? I can’t imagine outside of QB there would be any major changes to a team preparing for a 2nd string player. It’s not like it’s a secret when a star player gets injured because the opposing teams will have prepared for it anyway.
I know for a fact CJH won’t like it because he seems to be intentionally vague when talking about injuries for whatever reason.
I'd love to know more of the history of Oak Ridge. I think it would be fascinating to read a bio/book about it.
I bought my my mom a copy of The Girls of Atomic City years ago and my aunt ended up borrowing it from her to read as well. They both enjoyed reading more about that time in granny’s life. I need to see who has it now or order my own copy.

I'm sure your FIL would love hearing you "bagged" his daughter.
About on the level of future husband and father acting like the young lady is each's chattel to trade to begin with.

Whole thing is cringe. If a daughter's SO ever asked me something so ridiculous, I'd route his question back to my autonomous, smart daughter. It's her choice. Not mine or my wife's or his/hers.

And if what I said changed that person's mind from asking my daughter...I'd have even bigger questions of their honor.
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I'd love to know more of the history of Oak Ridge. I think it would be fascinating to read a bio/book about it.
Loved having grandparents that lived there.

Tons of great stories. They moved in right as the "popup city" was appearing almost overnight. Hustled down from the Bronx to be a part of it and stayed for over 60 years until they moved to Knoxville to retire.
Barring major injuries 9-3 is the floor.
Daggum the floor??

You have us going basically 11-1? I'd be down for that.

The only way I can get us down to a 9 win floor (less than 10% odds being the "floor") is:

Team. Odds of UT win

NC St 90%
OU 90%
UF 90%
Bama 80%
UGA 70%
Arky 90%
UK 90%
Miss St 90%
Vandy 95%

All other teams at 99%+

29% chance of going undefeated
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You can’t be serious right?
8-4 is a possibility but I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say that would be a disappointing end to this year. The talent and depth of this team alone is better than any I can remember in my time as a fan(circa 2010). With the pieces we have now, 8-4 should be the absolute floor this year. There’s nothing wrong with raising your expectations (to an extent of course).
• 10 wins gets you into the playoffs and would be a great year in my opinion. The recruiting advantages would be massive.
• 9 wins would be a decent year and with our schedule is very likely to happen. Just have to beat who we’re supposed to and get a big win.
• 8 wins? That most likely means that not only did we not beat any of OK, UGA or AL, it also means we probably lost to a middling team like Florida or NC State along the way. That’s disappointing to me but I would understand at the end of the day.
You can say "should" all day, but crazy things happen.

Imagine saying the floor in 2017 was 6 wins...things happen and sometimes not even all that crazy. The odds can play out against you too...just natural variance.

Vegas has us about 1 in 6 to finish with 7 or fewer wins. Not exactly an improbability, just pretty unlikely. 8-4 is only slightly less likely than 9-3.

We have to have to remember this is the new SEC, where 8 or 9 wins is similar to an old 9 or 10 wins. State is better than people expected a year ago and we're a dog to OU. Just no easy sledding here and that's hoping none of UF, Arky, Miss St, UK is this year's Mizzou.
I agree, with 10-2 right there. I just believe the days of losing because we didn't play well, or just laid an egg, are over. We've entered days of if get beat, its just by better teams, or a break or two not going our way and going opponents way.
Like the optimism, but curious why now?

We've seen what happened vs USCjr and Mizzou in b2b years.

I do think there's a boundary we could cross in the next couple years that would allow us more comfort. But we need to get to, at least close to, Bama, UGA level recruiting. That's when beating all the mids and worse becomes like clockwork. But without a massive talent advantage, there's always the risk.
Like the optimism, but curious why now?

We've seen what happened vs USCjr and Mizzou in b2b years.

I do think there's a boundary we could cross in the next couple years that would allow us more comfort. But we need to get to, at least close to, Bama, UGA level recruiting. That's when beating all the mids and worse becomes like clockwork. But without a massive talent advantage, there's always the risk.
I just keep my hopes to getting to bowl eligible and anything more is icing on the cake.🥴
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