Recruiting Football Talk VIII

How do you do this without violating Federal HIPAA medical privacy laws?
(I always feel a sad note of nostalgia when I type the word "privacy"... and then like a credulous simpleton realizing I typed it online!)

Will wait to hear more details before opining mindlessly.
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Like the optimism, but curious why now?

We've seen what happened vs USCjr and Mizzou in b2b years.

I do think there's a boundary we could cross in the next couple years that would allow us more comfort. But we need to get to, at least close to, Bama, UGA level recruiting. That's when beating all the mids and worse becomes like clockwork. But without a massive talent advantage, there's always the risk.
For starters, we're another year into Heupel's program, and the culture that's been made. Do you not think the mentality of winning is better today than what it was 3 years ago, 2 years ago, a year ago? Learning how to win is a real thing...carrying oneself like a winner is a real thing...expecting to win, each & every game, is a real absolute winning mindset. Culture Culture Culture. I know that word/term is used a lot, but it's so very true. Whenever that's been missing for so long, it's a struggle, a MIGHTY struggle to root out...2022 went a long way in doing that; but, 2021 got us started WAAAAY earlier than any of us expected...that's why I love that team as much as I do 2022.

That mindset is better today than it was last year, two years ago, three years ago. Each year, another year, in a winning culture, in a stable foundation, it just adds more and more to it. Yes, you have to have the Jim's & Joe's; but, you absolutely have to have a strong foundation, culture, stability, mindset, etc, as well. Today, all of that is the best it's been since Fulmer and all those winners of yesteryear.

Speaking of talent...I also believe we're better ALL OVER the field, by far, than we have been since Heupel took over. I know you LOVE HH, and so do I (he made his place next to Manning & Shuler on my pedestal; look how long it took for someone to join them in my far as players go, he saved Vol football, imo)...however, I think #8 is light years, actually. And, whenever you have a talent that goes beyond even elite, like a Vince Young or Cam Newton, some others, as well...a talent like that can carry an entire team to victory.

Also, there's only about 3 or 4 teams that can outright out-talent us now, from their 1's to their 2's and 3's; as far as 1's go, I think we can stack up with anyone...outside of, maybe, our secondary, and I'm in a wait and see on them, I'm expecting/hoping to take a MASSIVE leap there. Every other team, outside those 3 or 4, we stack up across the board, imo, hence thinking 10-2 (my floor opinion), and the playoff.

There's other factors, as well, playing into my expectations, but all this can get you started.
They should worry about the fake injuries/delay of game stuff more.
The first time somebody does something (playing or not playing the guy) the Birmingham office is going to "rule" on it? No thanks. Also I wonder if it's less safe for the players for their injuries to be spelled out. Not my call.
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I just keep my hopes to getting to bowl eligible and anything more is icing on the cake.🥴
Them days are over, imo; and, if we do return to days of just hoping to make a bowl, I truly believe I'll be out for good then. It will break my heart; but, I'll take up something else on Saturdays. Yes, no one knows what tomorrow holds; but, there should be no reason whatsoever to fall again to those depths.
Daggum the floor??

You have us going basically 11-1? I'd be down for that.

The only way I can get us down to a 9 win floor (less than 10% odds being the "floor") is:

Team. Odds of UT win

NC St 90%
OU 90%
UF 90%
Bama 80%
UGA 70%
Arky 90%
UK 90%
Miss St 90%
Vandy 95%

All other teams at 99%+

29% chance of going undefeated
What were your odds in 2021, 2022?
How do you do this without violating Federal HIPAA medical privacy laws?
(I always feel a sad note of nostalgia when I type the word "privacy"... and then, like a credulous simpleton realizing I typed it online!)

Will wait to hear more details before opining mindlessly.
When you go to the Dr, you sign a release form for the Drs to share your info, or not. I expect it'll be the same for the athletes...?
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They can't punish athletes, but if they call collectives "boosters", can they punish schools? I still see the potential for a huge mess here.
Realistically though, they can't really punish a school without "harming" the athletes which is illegal.

Would somebody please just put a bullet in the NCAA's head. The only people benefitting from this slow demise are lawyers and NCAA bureaucracy (including those institutions receiving bias from said bureaucracy). None of these groups exactly merit any benefit of the doubt.
For starters, we're another year into Heupel's program, and the culture that's been made. Do you not think the mentality of winning is better today than what it was 3 years ago, 2 years ago, a year ago? Learning how to win is a real thing...carrying oneself like a winner is a real thing...expecting to win, each & every game, is a real absolute winning mindset. Culture Culture Culture. I know that word/term is used a lot, but it's so very true. Whenever that's been missing for so long, it's a struggle, a MIGHTY struggle to root out...2022 went a long way in doing that; but, 2021 got us started WAAAAY earlier than any of us expected...that's why I love that team as much as I do 2022.

That mindset is better today than it was last year, two years ago, three years ago. Each year, another year, in a winning culture, in a stable foundation, it just adds more and more to it. Yes, you have to have the Jim's & Joe's; but, you absolutely have to have a strong foundation, culture, stability, mindset, etc, as well. Today, all of that is the best it's been since Fulmer and all those winners of yesteryear.

Speaking of talent...I also believe we're better ALL OVER the field, by far, than we have been since Heupel took over. I know you LOVE HH, and so do I (he made his place next to Manning & Shuler on my pedestal; look how long it took for someone to join them in my far as players go, he saved Vol football, imo)...however, I think #8 is light years, actually. And, whenever you have a talent that goes beyond even elite, like a Vince Young or Cam Newton, some others, as well...a talent like that can carry an entire team to victory.

Also, there's only about 3 or 4 teams that can outright out-talent us now, from their 1's to their 2's and 3's; as far as 1's go, I think we can stack up with anyone...outside of, maybe, our secondary, and I'm in a wait and see on them, I'm expecting/hoping to take a MASSIVE leap there. Every other team, outside those 3 or 4, we stack up across the board, imo, hence thinking 10-2 (my floor opinion), and the playoff.

There's other factors, as well, playing into my expectations, but all this can get you started.
I'll take it Sugar!

I'm hopeful. This team has a very high ceiling. Here's to the football gods shining down on us 🙏

Seeing us in Neyland for a playoff game would be a dream come effing true

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